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International Air Cadet Exchange


This page lists Civil Air Patrol's upcoming Cadet Special Activities (CSAs). It includes national activities and those wing and region activities approved to receive the CSA ribbon. These activities are designed to explore civilian and military aerospace careers, provide flight training, develop leadership, and enhance emergency services skills.

NCSA Registration Status Updates

EServices Registration & Payment System is closed for ummer activity priority placement.    However, cadets and senior members may still apply for summer activities.  Applications submitted after 15 Jan are marked "late" and considered after all "on-time" applicants. Use the "Apply Online" link to access the application site on eServices.

About the Activity Eligibility Requirements How To Apply Financial Support Graduations Requirements Travel

About the Activity:

Each summer, hundreds of cadets from eighteen nations come together to broaden their understanding of aviation and foreign cultures through the International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE).

Civil Air Patrol has been the United States representative to the Exchange for more than 75 years. CAP cadets selected for the Exchange have a reputation as being the best of the best; possessing great integrity and leadership ability; a keen interest in aviation and foreign culture; and the desire to share their experiences with their fellow cadets, family, and community.

Selection to the International Air Cadet Exchange makes a cadet one of CAP’s, and America’s ambassadors to the world. Are you ready to take the challenge?

The International Air Cadet Exchange is a life-shaping experience. You will meet people from around the world who share the Exchange’s goal of promoting goodwill and fellowship through the common interest of aviation. You will receive special access to factories, airports, engineering laboratories, and government agencies; learning about how your host country contributes to the aviation community.

One day you may find yourself in the latest fighter simulator, the next day meeting high government officials at an official banquet, and hiking through pristine wilderness on yet another day. You will be joined not only by your fellow CAP cadets assigned to the country, but also by aviation cadets from a variety of countries representing five continents.

Visit the IACE Association web site at this link for last year's schedules for each country.


Country Specific Dates:

Australia and New Zealand--Depart from San Francisco, CA, depart home 4 July and return 24 July.

Belgium and United Kingdom--Depart from Washington, DC, depart home 6 July and return on 24 July.


Destinations and Available Slots
Country Cadet Slots Escort Slots Notes
Australia  6 1 Cadets must be 18 to attend
Belgium  2 1 Cadets must be 18 to attend
New Zealand  2 1 Cadets must be 18 to attend
United Kingdom 20 2 Cadets must be 18 to attend


All participants are required to provide proof of valid health insurance policy for international travel and separate valid travel insurance policy. These policies are at the participant's expense. More information will be provided to those accepted to the Exchange.

A Visa or Electronic Transfer Authorization may be required to enter these countries. This cost is the participant's responsibility.

All participants will be required to follow the current host government COVID-19 requirements at the time of travel. Requirements may change with the passage of time. There can be no waivers to host country COVID-19 requirements.

Contact for Activity:

Eligibility Requirements:

Note: Cadets enrolled in Cadet Wings are not eligible for national activities until they complete the program or are disenrolled.



  • Possess the Earhart at the time of application

  • Completed Encampment and recorded in eServices at time of application

  • At least 18 years old by start of activity 4 July 2025

  • Not 21 years old by 24 July 2025

  • Have not previously attended IACE

  • Hold, or be eligible to apply for a US Passport*

  • Be able to undertake all of the activities of a cadet ambassador **



  • At least 25 years old by 4 July 2025

  • Have earned at least a senior rating in the Cadet Programs Specialty Track

  • Have not attended IACE as an escort or cadet in the previous five years

  • Hold, or be eligible to apply for a US Passport*

  • Be able to undertake all of the activities of an escort ambassador **

* NOTE:  All are required to provide proof of passport or passport application No Later Than 15 Jan 2025. Passports must be valid through 1 Feb 2026. It may be difficult to get your passport in time to meet the IACE deadline. If you are serious about applying, you might want to get your passport during your winter break. Passports are good for 10 years, if you are 17 or older.  See the Ambassador’s Guide for information on how to apply for a passport.  Contact if you hold dual passports or are a resident alien with a foreign passport.

** Participants will walk up to 5 - 7 miles a day and be expected to participate in white-water rafting and other high-adventure activities.




Senior Members: 

Preference given to those with previous IACE Exchange participation, who have run hotel-based cadet activities, or worked on staff of an IACE host wing/region.

How to Apply

Apply in Registration Zone here.

Any required documents for your application are listed below and should be uploaded to the Registration Zone application for this activity.

All staff must apply via Registration Zone in eServices, or they will not receive credit for the activity in their records. For staff applicants, you will be contacted to let you know whether or not you have not been selected. Applications will be accepted from 1 December onward.  To be considered for priority placement status, the completed application including supplemental documents must be submitted by 15 January.  In addition, accomplish the following: 

Participants: Follow instructions in the Registration Zone application. 


Follow instructions in the Registration Zone application. You will need to have a PDF copy of your current Passport or proof of Passport application available to upload to your Registration Zone application. If using a current Passport, it must be valid for more than 6 months after travel.


Follow instructions in the Registration Zone application. You will need to have a PDF copy of your current Passport or proof of Passport application available to upload to your Registration Zone application. If using a current Passport, it must be valid for more than 6 months after travel.

Send resume to


Send resume to

Important Information:

Please apply for this activity in Registration Zone in eServices.

The most outstanding cadet applicants, as judged by IACE faculty, will be selected to attend and announced via email no later than 1 March. Document and payment due dates are in the Ambassador's Guide.  Please note the timelines for IACE are different than those posted on the "Instructions" page of Participants will pay the activity fee in two payments, one deposit of $200 and a final payment of $1,750 for the activity.

Selectees/participants use this link for pre-course work, forms, and additional information. (Link may not be available until after selectees are announced.)

Financial Support:

Go to the eServices CadetInvest Module and apply for Cadet Lift and Take-Off Program Cadet (TOP), to be considered for needs-based financial assistance or NCSA scholarships.  Also apply for flight scholarships. These programs are designed to offset costs associated with attending some NCSAs, as well as flight academies. They include payment of your activity fees and transportation to and from the activity. Go to the CadetInvest pages for more details. Deadline to apply for scholarships and financial assistance is 15 January. Being offered financial assistance is not a guarantee of acceptance into an activity. You must compete for and receive a slot at an activity. You will be notified if you are a recipient of financial aid/scholarship before you are required to accept or decline a slot at an activity.  

Graduation Requirements 

  • Complete pre-work as directed

  • Actively participate in 80% of the contact hours and not dismissed early for behavior

  • End of Activity online survey completed within one week or activity end

  • Daily journal submitted to Director within two week of activity end

  • Activity Director determines course objectives met


  • Activity Staff will purchase your ticket from local airport to east or west coast rallying point and then overseas and return to home.

  • Required Staff Training at or before the start of the DC and West Coast Phase of travel.

  • CPPT completion for cadets 18 and older and seniors before start of travel


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