How do I request an IRS letter in good standing for my unit?
CAP Tax Exempt Status
An important part of soliciting donations or conducting fund raising activities is CAP’s federal tax exempt status. The IRS has ruled that CAP and its subordinate units are exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This makes donations to CAP eligible for deductions from income by donors as “charitable contributions” to the extent allowed by law. Verification of CAP’s tax exempt status may be found by referring to the IRS’s annual edition of “publication 78” or by requesting a current letter or exemption with your unit's information.
To request a letter of good standing, click here to email the following information:
Email should include
Subject: IRS Letter in Good Standing Request
Include in the body of the e-mail:
Your name and CAP ID
Your duty position
Full name of CAP Unit
Physical address of CAP Unit (street, city, state, zip)
Summary of how letter will be used to ask for what amount(s), for what purpose, and from what organization(s)
Do you have wing commander approval for this fundraising activity?