CAP Foundation
Civil Air Patrol Foundation promotes and supports Civil Air Patrol by providing direct funding to CAP and its programs, missions, and operations, including strengthening squadrons and wings and providing scholarships for cadets and aerospace education.
The foundation also helps donors leave a legacy and a lasting impact in supporting volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.
Our staff supports this work by providing education regarding estate planning and working with alumni, members, and donors who want to include Civil Air Patrol in their wills and other planning documents, including life insurance policies and retirement accounts.
We also work with donors and their advisers on comprehensive financial and estate plans that will benefit the donor and the donor’s family, descendants (if applicable), and preferred charities.
All consultations with donors and potential donors are confidential, without a fee or a charge, and without obligation in any form.
In addition to this webpage, we maintain a website and a quarterly e-newsletter for our donors, members, alumni. and friends. To sign up, click here
We also are available for workshops and presentations about charitable gift planning, estate planning, legacy planning, and related topics.
If you're interested in learning more about setting up a permanent scholarship or endowment fund, or establishing a fund for a specific CAP activity, program, squadron or wing, contact us today!
Contact us
Funds currently in the Foundation
The following funds have been established in the Civil Air Patrol Foundation:
August Trust Endowment Fund
Lt. Col. Richard Brinkman FLWG Cadet Scholarship Fund
Lt. Col. William Bruring Unrestricted Fund
Lt Col Kenneth J. Bureau Memorial Flight Scholarship
Detroit Chapter #9, Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. Scholarship
Lt. Col. Chaplain Jack Etheridge Scholarship Fund
Major Randall Diaz Memorial Scholarship Fund Endowment
Cornelia Fort Flight Scholarship
Richard Gilson Syracuse Cadet Squadron Fund
Col. Carolyn Guertin Scholarship Endowment
Lt. Col. Ruth Grogan Estate Fund
Col. Gene Hartman Missouri Wing Flight Scholarship Fund
Lt. Col. William E. Hanna, Jr., USAFR Flight Scholarship Fund
Malcolm Kyser Scholarship Fund
Lt. Col. Edward J. Myzie Flight Academy Scholarship
Col. Darin Ninness New Hampshire Wing Endowment
William Penn Foundation Flight Scholarship
Ingeborg Pickard Estate Fund
Charles S. Rose Estate Unrestricted Fund
Capt. Nick Schroder Cadet Scholarship Fund
Lt. Col. Ralph N. Shaver II Cadet Scholarship Fund
John A. Soley Trust (Unrestricted Fund)
Charles and Lenke Tarr Endowment Fund benefitting Nellis Senior Squadron
West Virginia Wing Health Services Scholarship