Making Changes to your Template Site
- When you’re ready to begin the work of updating your wing website in SiteViz with the new template, email the MAC team at
- A MAC admin will email you when your template site is available in SiteViz. This will be a copy of your current website, but with the template pages applied (see explanation below). The same users who have access to edit your current site will have access to edit this new template site, and the website will be available in the same administrative area as your current website.
- To edit the site, you will select it from the dropdown here in your administrative dashboard. It will be called “[Name of Current Website] – New Template.” This template site will contain all the content from your current site as well as the new template pages.
Any updates you make on your live/production site after the copy has been made will not be carried over to the template site. You will need to add any new content to both the live site and the template site during this time if you would like it to be present once the template is taken live.
- In SiteViz, you can make changes to your pages on this copy of your website. The pages on your live site will be copied over and you can find them in a section called “Old Pages.” When you toggle to open the Old Pages section, you will find all the pages that are on your current website.
All the new template pages will be present here underneath the Old Pages section:
In order for these pages from your current live site to be carried over when the new template site is taken live, you will need to drag and drop the pages so they live within the new template’s sitemap. In this example, we are moving the Commanders page from this organization’s current site to appear under the About Civil Air Patrol section in the new template.
Be sure to make any updates to content on these pages that are needed. This is also a good time to clean up your site and get rid of pages that are irrelevant or out-of-date.
- The functionality to add child pages, make edits on a page, embed maps, etc. remains the same. The only change was to give access to the new template with content preloaded for you. This preloaded content (copy, images, links) on the new template can only be edited/changed by MAC. It is required in the new wing website. If you maintain any squadron websites, the preloaded content is required on those sites, too.
- You may add content below the pre-loaded content on the template pages. When you edit a template page, you will see this new message and short-code in the editor section.
You can add any pertinent copy underneath this short code and publish the page as usual.
- MAC recommends that with the new wing website design, the best approach is having a page for each squadron on the wing website; you really don’t need separate websites for each squadron any longer. The required content on the squadron websites will duplicate what’s in the wing website template with nearly the same content. The wing PA team can add a child page for the squadron landing page, if necessary, but you should really be able to include everything needed on the squadron page, such as meeting days/times, meeting location, and contact information. No new standalone squadron websites be created while this project is underway.
- When your work is complete, email MAC at and your changes will be reviewed. If no additional changes are required, a MAC admin will push your template website into production. If changes are required, MAC will notify you of these required changes. When your updates are completed, a MAC admin will push your template website into production.