Inspection Definitions
Civil Air Patrol
Inspector General
Inspection Definitions
1. Observation. A special inspection report entry that the inspector felt would be useful information to the inspected unit. Observations may be positive or negative and do not affect the grade.
2. Assistant Inspector General (IGA). A CAP Member who has been appointed by the wing or region IG, with the concurrence of their respective commander, as an Assistant Inspector General. IGA's must have completed both the Inspection Augmentee (IA) and Investigating Officer (IO) courses and be enrolled in the IG Specialty Track.
3. CAP Directive. As used in this program, directive means any CAP regulation, supplements to CAP regulations, and operating instructions (OI).
4. Commendable. Indicates a highly effective process implemented over a sufficient period of time that results in exceeding mission requirements. A commendable contain at least the following four elements:
a. Apply directly to one or more of the already vetted mission‐critical worksheet questions
b. Be process oriented i.e. based on a fully implemented continuous improvement‐type cycle (ex: PDCA)
c. Include results over time from designated process points (ex: input‐output; before after) that are measurable and quantifiable (i.e. performance metrics)
d. Clearly substantiate the improvements made by instituting the process in terms of money, manpower/man‐hours saved and present benefits to members and/or mission
5. Discrepancy. A deficiency which is a violation of a directive that requires specific answers (formerly called a Finding).
6. Inspection. An evaluation intended to determine the effectiveness of unit management, mission accomplishment and regulatory compliance programs. The inspection may be a graded inspection or a non-graded.
7. Inspection Augmentee (IA). An inspection team member who has completed the Inspection Augmentee Course segment of the Inspector General Basic Course and is a current subject matter expert in the assigned inspection area(s).
8. Inspector General (IG). A CAP member who is appointed by the National Commander to the position of Civil Air Patrol Inspector General (CAP/IG) or who has been appointed to the position of region or wing inspector general by his/her respective region or wing commander.
9. Open Discrepancy. A discrepancy from a prior inspection in which the unit or higher headquarters’ corrective actions are incomplete and have not been closed in accordance with this regulation.
10. Subordinate Unit Inspections (SUI). Inspections conducted by either CAP regions or wings to evaluate the management and mission capability of units below the wing level.
11. Compliance Inspections (CI). Wing headquarters inspections conducted every 4 years by CAP and CAP-USAF inspectors to evaluate the management and mission capability at the wing level.
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