AD 2020-16-05
The FAA has issued AD 2020-16-05. This AD is applicable to all Blanik Model L23 Super-Blanik gliders. This AD was prompted by reports of cracked rudder cable attachment screws. The FAA is issuing this AD to detect and prevent a crack in a rudder control cable attachment screw, which could result in in-flight collapse of the screw. The unsafe condition, if not addressed, could result in rudder control failure and loss of control of the glider. This AD requires a one-time inspection of the rudder control cable attachment screws and hinge bolts, replacement of the cable attachment screws and hinge bolts if a crack is found, and reporting the inspection results to the manufacturer. The rudder must be removed and the attachment screws must be dye penetrant inspected to assure they are not cracked. Please call or email LGM if there are any questions concerning this AD. Thanks.
See AD here:
The FAA has approved a Global AMOC (Alternative Method Of Compliance) for the use of florescent dye penetrant while performing the required inspection:
For More Information:
Rodger Kirkpatrick