Cessna Service Bulletin SB08-28-01
Model | Serial #s |
182T | 18280945 thru 18282056 |
T182T | T18208001 thru T18208817 |
Reason: It has been determined that the elevator control cables could potentially rub on the fuel lines located aft of the fuel selector valve. This condition if not corrected could potentially cause damage to the fuel lines. Description: This SB provides instructions for installing guards on the affected fuel lines. Compliance: Recommended; should be accomplished at the next scheduled 100 hour/12 month annual type inspection or within the next 12 months, whichever occurs first. Credit Information: A labor allowance credit of 1.3 man-hours per airplane will be provided to accomplish this SB. Parts credit for the 0760026-2 guards and a miscellaneous parts credit of $5.50 per airplane will be provided to install the guards.