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How to Renew Your Membership

Member Type



Due to renew or expired less than 90 days       

Due to renew or expired less than 90 days   

Expired between 90 and 180 days

Expired between 90 and 180 days

Expired Over 180 days

Expired between 180 days and 2 years


Expired more than 2 years


Oath of Membership and Photo Release 




Cadet or Senior Member

Did your membership expire less than 90 days ago OR do you expire in 90 days or less? 

Renew by paying your dues through one of these options:

1.  Online:

  • Log into your eServices account at

  • Click on the link to renew in red text at the top of the page.
    • **Please note, if your annual OPSEC training is due, you must complete that before eServices will let you access any other pages.
  • If you cannot log into your account, use the Password Assistance or Help Desk link located on the login page.

2.  Email:

  • Pay one year of dues via email to with Visa, MasterCard or Discover.  We will need CAP ID# and your phone number to contact you for payment details.

3. Phone:

  • Call Membership Services - 334-953-7748, select option 4 and follow the prompts. 

  • We will need CAP ID# and your credit card payment details information.

4. Mail:

  • Pay one year of dues with a check or money order made payable to "Civil Air Patrol" and mailed to:

105 S. Hansell St.
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


****VERY IMPORTANT - Do not refresh your screen or submit your renewal more than once. This will result in duplicate payments and may also you will give you an error code.   

Please email Membership (membershipservices@capnhq.govto assist you with renewal issues. Please include the first and last name of the member and their CAP ID in your email.

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Cadet or Senior Member

Did your membership expire between 90 and 180 days ago? 

Renewing online is no longer available. You can late renew through two options:

1. Email:

  • Pay one year of dues via email to with a Visa, MasterCard or Discover.  We will need your CAP ID# and your phone number to contact you for payment details.

2.  Mail:

  • Pay one year of dues with a check or money order made payable to "Civil Air Patrol" and mailed to:

105 S. Hansell St.
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

Please email Membership (membershipservices@capnhq.govto assist you with renewal issues.  Please include the first and last name of the member and their CAP ID in your email. 

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Cadet Member

Did your membership expire more than 180 days ago? 

Late renewing is no longer an option. To return to active status, cadets must rejoin CAP by submitting a new CAPF 15 Cadet Application and one year of dues.

****VERY IMPORTANT - Do not refresh your screen or submit your cadet application more than once. This will result in duplicate payments and also you will get a "Duplicate Social Security Number Error". 

Former cadets cannot use the online cadet application to rejoin.  If a former cadet uses the online cadet application, this will create a second membership record which will not have their previous cadet achievements.

Applications and payments can be submitted by fax to 334-953-7771 or by mail to:

105 S. Hansell St.
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

Cadet records will reflect a break in service but their former grade will be automatically reinstated and they will be credited with all previous accomplishments recorded in their eServices record.  

Please email Membership (membershipservices@capnhq.govto assist you with renewal issues.  Please include the first and last name of the member and their CAP ID in your email.

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Senior Member

Did your membership expire more than 180 days but less than 2 years ago?

You have the option of late renewing or rejoining.

1.  Late Renew:

  • Members choose to late renew so their records show no break in service and their grade is automatically reinstated.

  • To late renew:

    • Submit a new FD 258 fingerprint card (available at your local unit). 

    • Obtain written permission from your former unit commander to late renew.  Email permission is fine.

      • If you plan on transferring to a new squadron, you can use permission from your new unit's commander with the understanding that they will transfer you into their unit after your membership is renewed. 

    • Provide payment for back dues.  This will include a year of payment starting from the date your membership expired.  If you have any questions about how much you will need to pay, please contact . Please include the first and last name of the member and CAP ID in your email. 

    • Mail the fingerprint card, commander permission and payment to:

105 S. Hansell St.
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

2.  Rejoin:

  • Former members may choose to rejoin if they do not want to pay back dues or if their membership expired more than 2 years ago.

  • To rejoin, first contact your local CAP unit.  Next, submit a new CAPF 12 Senior member application, FD 258 fingerprint card and one year of dues.

  • Member records will reflect a break in service and the reinstatement of your former grade is neither automatic nor mandatory, but at the discretion of your unit commander.  You must also qualify for your former grade under the current regulation requirements.

  • Mail the application, fingerprint card and dues to:

105 S. Hansell St.
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

Please email Membership (membershipservices@capnhq.govto assist you with rejoin or renewal issues. Please include the first and last name of the member and the CAP ID in your email. 

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Senior Member

Did your membership expire more than 2 years ago?  Or, would you prefer to not pay back dues? 

Late renewals are no longer permitted after your membership has been expired for two years or longer. You must rejoin CAP to return to active status.


  • Former members may choose to rejoin if they do not want to pay back dues or if their membership expired more than 2 years ago.  To rejoin, you will first need to contact your local CAP unit and talk to them about joining their unit.

  • Next, submit a new CAPF 12 Senior member application, FD 258 fingerprint card and one year of dues.

  • Member records will reflect a break in service and the reinstatement of your former grade is neither automatic nor mandatory, but at the discretion of your unit commander.  You must also qualify for your former grade under the current regulation requirements.

Please email Membership (membershipservices@capnhq.govto assist you with any rejoin or renewal issues.  Please include the first and last name of the member and their CAP ID in your email. 

Oath of Membership & Photo Release for Adult Members

Upon renewing CAP membership, all adult members reaffirm the Oath of Membership and agree to the Photo Release policy listed below.

I do solemnly swear or affirm that:
•    I understand membership in the Civil Air Patrol is a privilege, not a right, and that membership is on a year-to-year basis subject to recurring renewal by CAP.  I further understand failure to meet membership eligibility criteria will result in automatic termination at any time.
•    I voluntarily subscribe to the objectives and purposes of the Civil Air Patrol and agree to be guided by CAP Core Values, Ethics Policies, Constitution & Bylaws, Regulations and all applicable Federal, State and Local Laws.
•    I understand only Civil Air Patrol corporate officers are authorized to obligate funds, equipment or services.
•    I understand the Civil Air Patrol is not liable for loss or damage to my personal property when operated for or by the Civil Air Patrol.  I further understand that safety is critical for the protection of all members and protection of CAP resources.  I will at all times follow safe practices and take an active role in safety for myself and others.
I agree to abide by the decisions of those in authority of the Civil Air Patrol.
•    I certify that all information on this application is presently correct and any false statement may be cause to deny membership.  I understand I am obligated to notify the Civil Air Patrol if there are any changes pertaining to the information on the front of this form and further understand that failure to report such changes may be grounds for membership termination.
•    I fully understand that this Oath of Membership is an integral part of this application for senior membership in the Civil Air Patrol and that my signature on the form constitutes evidence of that understanding and agreement to comply with all contents of this Oath of Membership.

Photo Release
I hereby grant permission to Civil Air Patrol representatives to use my image or likeness in educational, marketing, and public affairs applications.  These applications include, but are not limited to, printed and digital publications, websites, videos, and more.  I further agree that my name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s).  I authorize the use of these images without compensation.  In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears.  All negatives, prints, and digital files shall be the property of Civil Air Patrol. 



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