Health Services Technician
The Health Service Officer (HSO) at the Technician Level is expected to provide a competent level of health service support to the Commander, Unit, Safety, Cadet Programs, Senior Program, Emergency Services, and Aerospace Education at the unit level with minimal supervision. A unit HSO may also be asked to support units and activities outside their primary unit of assignment as an additional duty.
A technician rating prepares a Health Service Officer for duty as a Health Service staff officer or support member at the squadron level. To enroll in the Health Service Officer Specialty Track, the student must have completed Level I of the Senior Member Education and Training Program.
Completion of the technician level requirements must be evaluated and certified by a senior or master rated Health Service Officer using Attachment 1, Health Service Officer Technician Level Checklist.
- Complete a minimum 6-month internship as a unit Health Service Officer or assistant Health Servicefficer.
- Serve as HSO assigned to a unit activity at least 2 days long.
- Complete CAP test 116 and be qualified in General Emergency Services.
- Complete the on-line Introduction to CAP Health Service Officer course.
- Complete the on-line CAP Medical Planner’s course.
- Complete the on-line Fit for Flying program.
- Complete the on-line Technician Level Safety Course.
- Complete the CAP Basic Instructor’s Course or show equivalent experience in instructing.
- Demonstrate an ability to teach a blood borne pathogen course, either through certification or by virtue of health service training.
- Successfully complete ICS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System at theFEMA Emergency ManagementInstitute.
- Successfully complete the Basic RM course in Absorb.
- Successfully discuss cadet reasonable accommodations such as uniform adjustment, facilitated testing/examinations, alternate physical fitness training, waivers, and ensuring that activities are inclusive for all members, with a member of the Cadet Program staff and a Commander.
- Discuss the current Health Services Regulation with your OJT mentor.
- Complete at least 2 ICS 206 forms with a Mission Safety Officer / Operations Section Chief / or Incident Commander, ideally as part of a larger exercise or actual ES mission (may be done as a stand-alone exercise if no formal training or mission is available).
- Successfully present at least one wellness/health promotion brief to a Cadet audience at a Unit Activity.
- Successfully present at least one wellness/health promotion brief to a Senior member audience at a Unit Activity.
- Discussion of public health topics with the OJM in at least 2 separate areas.
- Brief an audience on how to complete the CAP Standardized Medical Forms.
- Successfully complete two activity health assessments for two separate activities at the unit level or higher and brief those medical support recommendations to an activity director / incident commander / unit commander.
TECHNICIAN LEVEL KNOWLEDGE: Candidates for the Technician Rating will be required to read the following documents and complete quizzes in on the CAP Learning Management System, to demonstrate their knowledge of assigned readings.
- Read CAPR 1-1:CAP Ethics Policy.
- Read CAPR 79-1:Operation of the CAP Health Service Program.
- Review CAPF 79-1, 2, 3, 4:Member health history forms, report of health service interaction and member certification of fitness level.
- Read CAPR 1-2:Publications Management.
- Read CAPR 1-2 (I):Personally Identifiable Information.
- Read CAPR 1-3:Disclosure of Confidential Information by Volunteer Members.
- Read CAPR 35-2:Notification Procedures in Case of Death, Injury or Serious Illness.
- Read relevant portions of CAPR 60-1,Cadet Program Management, specifically section 3.2 (Physical Fitness Categories), and 5.4.2 (Cadet Physical Fitness Test).
- Read CAPR 79-5:Critical Incident Stress Management.
- Read CAPR 160-2, Safety Reporting and Review, Chapters 1 through 5.
- Read CAPP 163, Safety Assurance & Continuous Improvement, pages 1 through 8.
- Read and discuss with the OJM CDC's "The 10 Essential Public Health Services".