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Health Services Technician


The Health Service Officer (HSO) at the Technician Level is expected to provide a competent level of health service support to the Commander, Unit, Safety, Cadet Programs, Senior Program, Emergency Services, and Aerospace Education at the unit level with minimal supervision.  A unit HSO may also be asked to support units and activities outside their primary unit of assignment as an additional duty.

A technician rating prepares a Health Service Officer for duty as a Health Service staff officer or support member at the squadron level.  To enroll in the Health Service Officer Specialty Track, the student must have completed Level I of the Senior Member Education and Training Program.

Completion of the technician level requirements must be evaluated and certified by a senior or master rated Health Service Officer using Attachment 1, Health Service Officer Technician Level Checklist.


  1. Complete a minimum 6-month internship as a unit Health Service Officer or assistant Health Servicefficer.
  2. Serve as HSO assigned to a unit activity at least 2 days long.


  1. Complete CAP test 116 and be qualified in General Emergency Services.
  2. Complete the on-line Introduction to CAP Health Service Officer course.
  3. Complete the on-line CAP Medical Planner’s course.
  4. Complete the on-line Fit for Flying program.
  5. Complete the on-line Technician Level Safety Course.
  6. Complete the CAP Basic Instructor’s Course or show equivalent experience in instructing.
  7. Demonstrate an ability to teach a blood borne pathogen course, either through certification or by virtue of health service training.
  8. Successfully complete ICS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System at theFEMA Emergency ManagementInstitute.
  9. Successfully complete the Basic RM course in Absorb.
  10. Successfully discuss cadet reasonable accommodations such as uniform adjustment, facilitated testing/examinations, alternate physical fitness training, waivers, and ensuring that activities are inclusive for all members, with a member of the Cadet Program staff and a Commander.
  11. Discuss the current Health Services Regulation with your OJT mentor.



  1. Complete at least 2 ICS 206 forms with a Mission Safety Officer / Operations Section Chief / or Incident Commander, ideally as part of a larger exercise or actual ES mission (may be done as a stand-alone exercise if no formal training or mission is available).
  2. Successfully present at least one wellness/health promotion brief to a Cadet audience at a Unit Activity.
  3. Successfully present at least one wellness/health promotion brief to a Senior member audience at a Unit Activity.
  4. Discussion of public health topics with the OJM in at least 2 separate areas.
  5. Brief an audience on how to complete the CAP Standardized Medical Forms.
  6. Successfully complete two activity health assessments for two separate activities at the unit level or higher and brief those medical support recommendations to an activity director / incident commander / unit commander.

TECHNICIAN LEVEL KNOWLEDGE:   Candidates for the Technician Rating will be required to read the following documents and complete quizzes in on the CAP Learning Management System, to demonstrate their knowledge of assigned readings.

  1. Read CAPR 1-1:CAP Ethics Policy.
  2. Read CAPR 79-1:Operation of the CAP Health Service Program.
  3. Review CAPF 79-1, 2, 3, 4:Member health history forms, report of health service interaction and member certification of fitness level.
  4. Read CAPR 1-2:Publications Management.
  5. Read CAPR 1-2 (I):Personally Identifiable Information.
  6. Read CAPR 1-3:Disclosure of Confidential Information by Volunteer Members.
  7. Read CAPR 35-2:Notification Procedures in Case of Death, Injury or Serious Illness.
  8. Read relevant portions of CAPR 60-1,Cadet Program Management, specifically section 3.2 (Physical Fitness Categories), and 5.4.2 (Cadet Physical Fitness Test).
  9. Read CAPR 79-5:Critical Incident Stress Management.
  10. Read CAPR 160-2, Safety Reporting and Review, Chapters 1 through 5.
  11. Read CAPP 163, Safety Assurance & Continuous Improvement, pages 1 through 8.
  12. Read and discuss with the OJM CDC's "The 10 Essential Public Health Services".


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