Health Services Curriculum and Training
With the anticipated final approval of the first set of Health Services Specialty Track Guidelines, the HSO Curriculum working group has been preparing the knowledge and training components for the Technician level for eventual inclusion on AXIS. You will find several of those components on this page:
- Interim Specialty Track Guidelines
- CAP Introduction to Health Services course
- CAP Medical Planner's course
- Interim, revised Fit for Flying course
And copies of several key regulations:
- CAPR 1-1: CAP Ethics Policy
- CAPR 1-2: Publications Management
- CAPR 1-3: Disclosure of Confidential Information by Volunteer Members
- CAPR 35-2: Notification Procedures in Case of Death, Injury or Serious Illness
- CAPR 60-1: Cadet Program Management, specifically section 3.2 (Physical Fitness Categories), and 5.4.2 (Cadet Physical Fitness Test)
- Draft, Proposed CAPR 79-1: Operation of the CAP Health Service Program