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Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters
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Mishap Reviews

A Key Step

The Mishap Review is the key step in finding out why a mishap occurred so we can prevent it from happening again by strengthening our risk controls. This page, and the guidance provided in CAPR 160-2, is intended to provide the basic information needed to perform a thorough mishap review on any minor mishap. Your local Safety Officer can help if you need assistance.

The worksheets listed in the right margin will help guide your data gathering for various common types of mishaps.  The worksheets provide some common questions you might want to ask in each of the 5 M categories. These questions are just starters... every mishap is unique, with its own set of circumstances, and you must ask "why" to make sure you get to all the contributing factors.

Mishap Review Training

Mishap Reviews course is available to support Review Officers in completing a mishap review. To take the course and quiz: 

  1. Click on: CAP LMS to go to the CAP Learning Management System in eServices.

  2. In LMS, click on the AXIS link in the upper left corner of the page

  3. In AXIS, click on the Course Catalog, select "Safety" from the drop-down menu, then select Mishap Reviews

  4. Take the quiz so eServices will record your training!

To download the briefing for personal reference, click here: Mishap Reviews

The Five M's for Mishap Reviews  is also available to help in conducting a mishap review.  

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