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Air University Distance Learning: Students - USAF DL

AU Distance Learning (DL) Courses


Civil Air Patrol is fortunate to have a long term partnership with Air university Distance Learning.  Adult members who have completed Level I of the Senior Member Professional Development Program are eligible to enroll in AU Distance Learning courses, PROVIDED they also meet AU's eligibility requirements for the course in which they wish to enroll (see below).  These Air Force courses require substantial time and dedication to complete.  Students should register for a course only if they are committed to completing it.


Education Courses

Eligibility Requirements and Notes

NCO Academy

1. CAP grades TSGT - SMSgt only 

NOTE: To enroll fill out the application in eServices at NCOA Distance Learning Enrollment Application   You will be contacted by CAP NHQ staff and provided with enrollment instructions.

Senior NCO Academy

1. CAP grades MSGT - SMSgt only 

NOTE: To enroll fill out the application in eServices at SNCOA Distance Learning Enrollment Application   You will be contacted by CAP NHQ staff and provided with enrollment instructions.

Squadron Officer School

1. Minimum CAP grade of Captain

2. Bachelor's Degree (CAPN HQ staff will contact you with information on what documentation to send once your enrollment information is received. DO NOT send anything to CAPNHQ until requested.)  All exams are proctored exams and must be administered by a base education office or other authorized military facility.

NOTE: To enroll fill out the application in eServices at SOS Distance Learning Enrollment Application   You will be contacted by CAP NHQ staff and provided with enrollment instructions.

Air Command and Staff College

1. Minimum CAP grade of Major

2. Bachelor's Degree (CAP NHQ staff will contact you with information on what documentation to send once your enrollment information is received. DO NOT send anything to CAPNHQ until requested.)

NOTE: Due to Air University having system problems, send your enrollment request through the "ACSC Distance Learning Enrollment Application" link in eServices.  

Air War College

1. Minimum CAP grade of
Lt Col

2. Bachelor's Degree (CAP NHQ staff will contact you with information on what documentation to send once your enrollment information is received. DO NOT send anything to CAPNHQ until requested.)

NOTE: Due to Air University having system problems, send your enrollment request through the "AWC Distance Learning Enrollment Application" link in eServices.  


1. If you have any questions, contact CAP NHQ/PD at or call (toll free) 877.227.9142, Ext. 405.

2. If you require assistance while working on a course submit an email request to .  
To enroll in Air Force PME courses, use the following procedures: (NOTE: ACTIVE-DUTY, GUARD, OR RESERVE SERVICE MEMBERS MAY NOT RECEIVE CREDIT BY THEIR SERVICE FOR PME IF THEY DO NOT MEET THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR SERVICE, i.e. an AF SSgt who is also a CAP Captain may not receive credit for Squadron Officer School in their Air Force record. They will, of course, be given credit for the CAP professional development program.)

1.  Sign into eServices and select "Online Learning." Then select the enrollment link for the course into which you want to enroll. (Note you can only enroll in one AF PME course at a time.)

a.  (For SOS, ACSC and AWC only) Once your enrollment request is submitted, the next notice you will receive will be from the CAP staff requesting a copy of your college transcript.  To prevent a delay of your acceptance into the course you should request a transcript from your college or university if you don’t have an official copy. (NCOA and SNCOA applicants are not required to be college graduates and will be sent their applications directly from CAP NHQ).
b. After the CAP staff receives your transcript, you will be sent an application to complete. This application must be returned to CAP, not sent directly to the school.
c. Once the application is returned to CAP, staff will complete relevant parts of the application and deliver it to the AU Registrar or the Barnes Center Registrar (for NCO PME) for processing.
d.  AU will send you instructions on how to setup your Air University account so you can get course access.  Follow the instructions and contact AU student services, or CAP Professional Development at, if you have any problems.
d. Once you have set up your account, notify AU student services your account has been established.  They will place you in a course once they have been informed your account is established.
e. You will receive information via email on how to access Blackboard as soon as you are placed into the course.

2.  If you require assistance submit an email request to

How to Record Course Completion

When your course is successfully completed, you will receive notification from AU. Please place keep the original, drop a copy into your personnel record at the unit and send LMMEFORMS@CAPNHQ.GOV a copy so that we can drop it into your electronic record. The reason for this is that Air University doesn't end us a list of course completions. Also remember to tell us which CAP course you want a waiver for.
HQ Civil Air Patrol / DPR
105 S Hansell Street
Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6332



How to Obtain Academic Credit

The American Council on Education (ACE) has reviewed a number of Air Force PME courses and recommended that college credit be awarded for some courses.  To determine if college credit is available for AU PME courses which you have completed you must ask your college or university to consult the "ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services," and also have them review your Air University transcript to determine if credit can be awarded.

Best wishes as you begin your professional development through Air University!

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