Level V: The Executive Leadership Phase
Welcome to Level V ! After completing Level IV, you are prepared for Level V. The primary focus in Level V is on developing a strategic view of the organization and continued leadership skills. Level V focuses on developing the region or national level leader who aspires to serve on staff or as a commander.
This is the highest level of CAP career development and is for those officers performing duty as commanders or staff officers at the region or national level. As such, only the members most dedicated to advancing their education and training complete this level.
Successful completion of Level V of the Education and Training Program qualifies the CAP officer for the Gill Robb Wilson Award, the highest education and training award earned by a senior member. The award honors an airman, poet, writer, and founder of CAP.
Should you have any questions about what you are learning in Level V please do not hesitate to talk to your mentor, unit PDO/ETO, or unit Commander.
All Level V courses are required to be registered with Volunteer University at least 60 days in advance. Wings and Regions CLICK HERE to register your upcoming courses.
Members, Click Here if you are interested in Level 5 but having trouble locating Level 5 offerings.
1. Leading and Managing: Serve on Staff for 3 years (one at the group level or higher) & serve on staff for a course.
2. Serve on staff in both of the following capacities:
a. Perform in a command or staff position for a total of 3 years of service to CAP, with one year being at the group level or higher.
b. Serve in a director or staff member capacity in a CAP-approved course (reference CAPR 40-1). This is in addition to the staff service in Level IV.
3. Leadership In Action: Mentor a junior officer or NCO through the Technician Rating in a specialty track.
4. Complete the Level V modules.
Read What To Expect With Level 5 Cohorts for information about using the online method to complete Level 5.
Link to Level 5/ Region Commanders Course Module Summary Sheet- Revised 7/2023
Link to Level 5 Module Content Files - Updated 2/2024
Link to Region Command Module Content Files
Still have questions? Contact the Level 5 Chairs!
Level 5 Onsite Chair: Lt Col Julio Pastoriza
Assistant Chair (For Level 5 Offerings in the MAR, SER, SWR, and PCR): Vacant
Assistant Chair (For Level 5 Offerings in the NER, GLR, NCR, and RMR): Lt Col Gary Salmonson
Level 5 Online Chairs: Col Alvin Bedgood and Col David Roberts