Note Forms (Word)
Forms Word
Forms listed with an asterisk (*) may be transmitted without a person’s actual signature via e-mail only.
Complete the form and place the name, title and unit of the signing authority in the signature block of the form and save the file.
Prepare e-mail and ensure the name, title and unit of the signing authority is in body of the e-mail and attach the file (form) to the e-mail.
Forms listed with a double asterisk (**) may be transmitted as a scanned document (to include the person’s actual signature) via fax or e-mail. Either Microsoft® Word or Portable Document File® (PDF) forms may be used.
MS Word
Complete the form, save, print, and obtain the person’s actual signature.
Scan the form and save as image/picture (e.g., jpeg, tif).
Prepare e-mail and attach the file (form) to the e-mail.
Print, complete the form and obtain the person’s actual signature. (2) & (3) same as above.
Note: Forms listed without an asterisk are required to be “originals” and may not be transmitted via fax or e-mail.