The Air Force Association
CAP and the Air Force Association (AFA) have mutual goals to promote aerospace education in America's classrooms. Because of CAP's outstanding abilities, the AFA directly supports CAP in these areas:
1. Every CAP squadron is mailed the AFA Outstanding Cadet award materials (a ribbon and medal) once each year. AFA also contacts the closest AFA chapters to these CAP units and encourages the local AFA chapters to help congratulate the AFA Outstanding Cadets.To find out the criteria for this award, visit:
AFA Outstanding Cadet Award (download CAPR 39-3)
2. Since 1996, the AFA has given over $350,000 in grants promoting aerospace to CAP squadrons and to teachers in America's classrooms. For details, click these links:
- AFA Educator Grants (pdf)
- AFA Educator Grant Recipient Response form
- AFA CAP Unit Grants (pdf)
- AFA CAP Unit Grant Recipient Response form
3. The AFA helps teachers to become CAP Aerospace Education Members by helping to offset membership dues with 1/2 price memberships (limited quantity each year.)
4. The AFA is a corporate sponsor of NCASE, the National Conference of Air and Space Education.
5. Each year, CAP selects one cadet as the Aeropsace Education Cadet of the Year. This cadet is recognized at the AFA National Convention. For details about this award, visit:
AFA Aerospace Education CAP Cadet of the Year (Download CAPR 280-2)
6. Each year, CAP selects one cadet as the national Cadet of the Year. This cadet is recognized by the AFA at CAP's summer conference. For details about this award, visit:
CAP Cadet of the Year (Download CAPR 39-3)
Latest news! The AFA reorganized on 1 APR 06 through mutual agreement with its Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF). The AEF is now fully integrated into the AFA and no longer exists as a seperate foundation. However, the AEF's ideals are the same as AFA's, so that our partnership with this outstanding organization continues as strong as ever. For details about this recent merger, visit:
Air Force Magazine, November 2005 issue. (You will leave the .gov domain by clicking this link.)
To find out where AFA chapters are near you, click here:
AFA Chapter Locations
Click here to visit the AFA web site