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What Does CAP Do For AFA?



CAP adult, educator, and cadet members are encouraged to join their local AFA Chapter.  CAP members, go to local AFA chapter locations to find nearby chapters.  Find out about AFA's membership information

If CAP members cannot be an active AFA chapter member, they can join as an unaffiliated eMember with the free 2-year CAP e-Membership option, click HERE.

CAP offers any AFA member who is not already a member of CAP the opportunity to become a free "Friend of CAP."  This is not a membership, but, rather, an opportunity to keep up with CAP news and events of our great organization's missions for America. 

  • The "Friends of CAP" link is found HERE, and includes all "Friends" benefits.  (There should be a special section mid-page that allows an AFA member to click on "Friends of CAP-AFA" for the free association with CAP.  If you cannot locate that link, contact for assistance.)

If an AFA member decides to become a squadron or educator member of CAP in the future, CAP membership info is found at the JOIN button at the top of  

The AFA’s AE mission mirrors that of CAP.  Both organizations promote aerospace/STEM education to the general public in an effort to prepare for future national security of America.  Thus, in an effort to assist the AFA in fulfilling its AE mission, and in deep appreciation to the AFA for all the support given to CAP members, CAP provides free programs for AFA chapters to promote STEM Ed in their communities.

FREE CAP STEM Programs for AFA Chapters to support local educators

 CAP also promotes the AFA's Educator Grant and Teacher of the Year programs on the CAP educator grants and awards page.

AFA chapters can contact their closest CAP Volunteer AE leaders/officer to assist the chapter in STEM-related events.

For more information, contact

                                       CAP kids

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