Duty Overview
When a CAP member is assigned to fill the AEO position, the member must enroll in Speciality Track 215 of the Senior Member Training Program, unless the member holds an aerospace education specialty rating (ref. CAPR 35-1, Asignment and Duty Status). See CAP Pamphlet 50-1, CAP Reg 50-1, and CAP Pamphlet 50-2 for a more complete listing of duties/responsibilities expected of an AEO.
CAP Pamphlet 50-1
CAP Reg 50-1
CAP Pamphlet 50-2
Local AEOs
- Oversee the aerospace education portion of the cadet and senior member programs
- Ensure cadet orientation flights are taking place; coordinate with DO and DCP
- Facilitate weekly aerospace current events discussion
- Work with the unit activities officer to plan enrichment activities for the cadets and senior members
- File reports, as required by regulation; brief unit commanders regularly on report inputs
- Support wing/region/national AE activities
- Encourage squadron level AE outreach programs in the community
- Engage with local AE members, as is requested, to support their educational programs
- Invite local AEMs to schedule a Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) Flight; coordinate with DAE
Wing DAEs and Region DCS/AEs
- Ensure training for newly-appointed aerospace education officers
- Develop and carry out the wing Plan of Action for aerospace education
- Visit and communicate with subordinate units
- Provide subordinate program support, as necessary and reasonable
- Ensure members earning Yeager awards have such entered in eServices; issue certificates
- Maintain continuous records of Wing AE activities for reporting purposes
- Support the AE program with a regular newsletter, or, include an AE column in the Wing newsletter
- Ensure the dissemination to all subordinate AEOs of changes in programs, regulations, policies, and procedures relevant to aerospace education
- Support external aerospace education outreach programs and activities requested of the Wing
- Ensure nominations are made for AE awards by subordinate AEOs, and, at the Wing level- by due dates
- Ensure unit AEOs are aware of AFA grant dates to support aerospace/STEM activities
- Contact Wing AEMs during the year to provide information about Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) flights; coordinate TOP flight requests with Wing DO