Northeast Region holds Kite Day
Northeast Region CAP
Kite Day
Project Officer: Lt. Col. Phillip Hirons, CAP, NER Assistant Internal AE Officer
Support Staff: Col. Bryan Cooper, CAP, NER DCS/AE
Lt. Col. Karen Cooper, CAP, NER DCS/AE
In June/July 2021, the Northeast Region held a “Kite Day." Three kites were provided to each cadet squadron and composite squadron in the region, and the units could supplement as they needed to in order to involve all of their cadets, as well as any seniors that were interested. Each unit could choose the day to hold the event, in order to take advantage of the weather.
Each unit was encouraged to take pictures and videos, and submit them in one of three categories, and a deadline was set for submission:
Most Fun
Most Creative
Teachable Moment
A winning photo/video was chosen in each of the three categories:
Most Fun – NER-ME-077 (77th Composite Squadron), Maine Wing
Also from the 77th Composite Squadron
Most Creative – NER-MA-005 (Bridgewater State University Composite Squadron) & NER-MA-007 (Goddard Cadet Squadron), both in the Massachusetts Wing
Teachable Moment – NER-NJ-102 (Captain Bud Jackson Composite Squadron), New Jersey Wing
Also from NER-NJ-102
This activity was inspired by Paul E. Garber, the first head of the National Air Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C., later known as the National Air and Space Museum. He was a leader at the Smithsonian Kite Festival, the Smithsonian's annual kite-flying celebration held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This festival is now known as the Blossom Kite Festival
-- Lt. Col. Karen Cooper, CAP, NER DCS/AE