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Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters
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For Cadets

Check out all the great lessons and activities within the entire Aerospace Education site!


  • Is YOUR squadron participating in the 2024 High-Altitude Balloon Challenge?  See more info about the HABC on the linked page, to include info about the 2023 national Kittinger Cup winning team.   

  • The AE Programs area includes STEM Kits, CyberPatriot, and other programs of interest to cadets.

  • The AE Curriculum area also has good info for cadets.  Simply find your area of interest and explore!

  • Aerospace/STEM Resources for Remote Education offers a plethora of sites and programs for any cadet!

  • YouTube videos are available for each lesson in all six Aerospace Dimensions modules HERE! (Developed by Capt Robert Roberts, SCWG Director of Aerospace Education), and placed on his amazing Aerospace Education YouTube channel.)

  • Get specific program info and video of the CAP Rocketry Program HERE produced by 2d Lt Richard Reynolds of the SWR-TX-351, Pegasus Composite Squadron. (See the paper guide found HERE.)

Check out the two sections, below.

Activities & Online Games

Thinking About A Career in Aerospace?

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