Available Kits For Selection
The CAP AE program office has identified a variety of STEM Kits offered for this program. Beginning September 1, 2019, these kits have been grouped into three core areas: The offerings may change according to demand, and kit availability may differ during the year. See current list of STEM Kits and descriptions HERE. Most CAP STEM Kits are available to all AEOs and AEMs. There are a select few that will only be available to our AEOs. If you are an AEM, and you and your students are interested in STEM Kits that are only available to our AEOs, visit or join your local CAP squadron to learn more. To learn more about the STEM Kits that CAP offers, click on the specific kit in the left navigation menu or on the kit name on this page, and read a brief description of the kit including its components, age requirements and additional equipment needed for the kit. All documents and links necessary to complete each STEM Kit can be found in Learning Management Systems (LMS) on eServices at this link. The kits come at no cost to recipients, are designed to enhance current CAP educational curriculum and programs and will be ready-made for immediate implementation. CAP Unit AE Officers (or commanders), as well as CAP members who are educators, including AFJROTC instructors, can select one kit from the options that are described below. To apply for a STEM Kit, log into eServices using your CAPID# and password. Click on Aerospace Education and then CAP STEM Kit. When you are on the CAP STEM Kit page, click on Apply for STEM kit at the top of the page. Fill out the application completely and Submit. After you use the kit for at least six hours and complete an online evaluation, you may apply for another kit. NOTE: Kits are designed as introductory programs with the intention that the recipients connect with subject matter experts -- as noted with each kit description, for further assistance -- instruction, and guidance. If you are a teacher or informal educator (such as Scouts or youth groups), you may join Civil Air Patrol as an Aerospace Education Member and apply for these free kits, too. LEARN MORE. Safety precautions should be practiced at all times with all CAP materials and programs.