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CEAP Application Process

Thanks to Air Force support, CAP has special funding available to cover encampment fees and uniforms with an emphasis on serving economically disadvantaged cadets. An inability to afford encampment will not hold back a cadet who wants to participate.

Deadlines (Updated for Fiscal Year 2025, 1 Oct 24 to 30 Sep 25)

Financial priority level, first-timer status, and date of application are all factors in awarding funds.  Apply early for the best chance of receiving assistance.

Winter CEAP

Nov 1           CEAP  Applications Open

Applications close the Sunday after Thanksgiving: Sunday, 1 Dec 2024

Summer CEAP Round 1: Includes all registered Spring and Summer encampments. Best chance at funding support.

March 1       CEAP  Applications Open 

May 1           CEAP Applications Close 

Summer CEAP Round 2: Includes only late Summer encampments (those beginning 20 July and after). Limited funding available.

June 15       CEAP  Applications Open

July 1           CEAP Applications Close


Application Process  

With a parent or senior member, log-in to eServices

  1. Click “Cadet Encampment Assistance Program,” answer the questions posed, and that’s it. For your information, those questions are shown below. 

  2. What do you need to support your participation at encampment?

    1. I need help paying for encampment tuition

    2. I need help with BOTH tuition and uniforms.

  3. Which encampment do you plan to attend?    {select from list}

  4. Please click the box below that best describes your family’s financial situation. CAP will keep this information confidential. Fellow cadets will not know that you’re participating in this program. Only the squadron commander, encampment commander, and encampment finance officer will know you’re receiving assistance. No special paperwork is needed; you are self-identifying your eligibility on an honor system.

    1. 1st Priority Cadets.  My family has a real need for assistance because we meet at least one criterion below. 

      1. Our family has received assistance from the SNAP, WIC, TANF, or HUD public housing program in the past 12 months.   

      2. I qualify to receive Free or Reduced School Lunch.

      3. My parent or guardian has received unemployment benefits during the past 12 months. 

      4. A parent, guardian, or sibling receives Social Security disability benefits

    2. 2nd Priority Cadets. My family has limited resources. Financial support would help because we meet one of the criteria below.

      1. Our family has two or more cadets enrolled in CAP.

      2. Our family has a combined income of <$80,000

    3. 3rd Priority Cadets. None of the above criteria apply, however we’d like to be considered for assistance if funds are available.

      1. Encampment is a “special” expense that we can’t easily budget for.

      2. We’ve experienced some financial challenges recently.

  5. Register for Encampment. Remember to apply to attend encampment! You’ve just applied for financial assistance, but you still need to register for encampment itself, if you haven’t already. If you can’t attend your local wing’s encampment (i.e.: the date is inconvenient or they don’t have any vacancies), check out the upcoming encampments on the encampment home page and think about applying for an encampment in a nearby state.

Approval Process

  1. After you complete your application, you’ll receive an email confirmation from National Headquarters.

  2. We’ll alert your squadron commander and ask him or her to endorse your application. When that happens, you’ll receive another email confirmation.

  3. Within 10 days of your commander approving your application, National Headquarters will email you, announcing the status of your request for assistance.  

  4. If granted assistance with encampment fees, National Headquarters will send those funds directly to the encampment on your behalf. Or, if you’ve already paid your tuition, talk to your encampment leaders about how to obtain a refund after you graduate.

  5. If granted assistance for uniforms, Vanguard will email you a voucher. You would then visit the Vanguard website and shop for ABUs, Blues, or insignia, then a few days later your items would arrive in the mail.

  6. If placed on the waitlist for funding, you will be notified of your final status within a week of applications closing.


If you have any questions ask your local leaders first. If they can’t help you, email us at 

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