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Become a Cadet Special Activity (CSA)

Cadet Special Activity (CSA) & National Flight Academy (NFA) Accreditation Process

The purpose of the accreditation process, as outlined in CAPR 60-1, 8.5, is to enlarge cadets’ access to exemplary special activities, use the CSA ribbon as a motivator, and provide managerial and quality controls within the NCSA/CSA system. CSAs are programs hosted by wings or regions that enable cadets to explore aerospace careers/expertise, develop leadership skills, or enhance their emergency services skills. NFAs are glider and/or powered flight programs that provide primary flight instruction. Balloon academies also are included.

How to Nominate

In September/October, an email invitation is sent from National Headquarters Cadet Programs Team to Wings and Regions soliciting nominations for activities that you believe should garner the Cadet Special Activities (CSA) Ribbon. 

For CSAs, click here for solicitation announcement. 

For NFAs, click here for solicitation announcement.


Minimum Requirements & Nomination Process

Provide: copies of curriculum, schedule and/or O-plan, budget to actuals, course critique or after-action reports, endorsement from the region (if wing hosted the wing must also endorse), and complete out the online nomination form

A panel reviews to ensure it meets criteria for selection and recommends the list to the National Commander.  Once the commander approves the list, Cadet Programs notifies the activity staff and host of their selection.



The goal is to post all the approved activities on the website by 1 December so that cadets throughout CAP may apply,  At a minimum, accredited activities receive advertising on our site, and can opt-in to use our national e-Services registration.    

Past Accredited Activities

See this attached list for activities garnering the Cadet Special Activities (CSA) Ribbon prior to 2018.  Some activities do not issue attendance certificates.  Attendance is recorded by the activity staff in the "Cadet Training" section of member's eServices at the conclusion of the activity.  This electronic record is proof of attendance and can be used to request authorization to wear the ribbon.

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