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Cadet Publications Updated & Added

Posted on October 10, 2019 at 1:54 PM by Curt LaFond



Cadet Publications Updated

We have updated several cadet publications to keep cadet life current and relevant. If you’re familiar with our “Cadet News & Innovations” document from this summer, these changes will come as no surprise. Special thanks to the many reviewers who contributed to the editing process. Here’s the most important, noteworthy changes:

  • Three new aerospace pioneers now lend their names to cadet achievements:  Lt Willa Brown, Col George Boyd, and Dr. Sally Ride.   
    CAPVA 60-100, Cadet Super Chart

  • College-aged cadets can use military junior college, AFROTC, or service academy experience at the Eaker, in lieu of COS/RCLS, and accelerated promotions are available. 
    CAPR 60-1, 5.5.3. and

  • The Encampment Visitor Program rolls-out for next summer and regions will review their wings’ encampment training plans.
    CAPR 60-1, chapter 9.

  • Commanders and activity directors need to inform parents right away if their cadet is injured or if misconduct is alleged.
    CAPR 60-2, 1.4.5.

  • "Grog Bowls" are prohibited. Let's refocus formal dinners as opportunities to teach decorum, provide a valuable life skill about manners at formal events, remember the sacrifices of POW-MIAs, etc. 
    CAPR 60-2, 2.2.2.

  • We have tightened rules about alcohol and marijuana. Adults cannot consume alcohol in the "CAP area" of the installation.
    CAPR 60-2, 2.3

  • CPP practices for activities based in hotel-like facilities are slightly adjusted and should be easier to implement.
    CAPR 60-2, 2.7.5.

  • An Officer of the Day will be designated as the after-hours, on-call adult at overnight activities.
    CAPR 60-2, 2.7.6.

  • Cadet Protection Program (CPP) guidelines for flight instruction have been adjusted, while still allowing one-deep leadership.
    CAPR 60-2, 2.9 and CAPF 60-86

  • CAPP 60-34, Drill & Ceremonies Practical Tests, is now your source for drill tests. There are no significant changes to the drill test content or procedures, just minor edits for clarity.

Furthermore, we’ve updated some optional resources and added a couple new ones, too, as shown below. 

Hyperlinks found within the publications will go live on 1 November. 


R 60-1 Cadet Program Management Compliance is mandatory 
R 60-2 Cadet Protection Program Compliance is mandatory
F 60-86 Cadet Independent Flight Instruction        Relevant to cadets doing flight training in CAP but outside of Cadet Wings      
P 60-15 CPP Implementation Guide Optional resource; minor updates
P 60-34 Drill & Ceremonies Practical Tests Minor updates; no substantive changes to content or protocols
P 60-43 Cadet Wings Student Guide Minor changes relevant only to Cadet Wings students and CFIs
P 60-70 Cadet Encampment Guide Minor additions; no compliance impact
VA 60-100   Cadet Super Chart * Lt Brown, Col Boyd, Dr. Ride now added
*  Giant (24 x 36 in) posters were mailed to every unit in August
VA 60-103 Cadet 101 for Strategic Audiences Optional resource
VA 60-109 Cadet Program Logic Model Optional resource
VA 60-110 Cadet Heritage Optional resource
VA 60-111 Training Intensity Watch-Out List Optional resource; hard copies available for next encampment season




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