Navigator Information
The Ray Foundation through Cadet Wings has provided funding totaling over $1 million for flight training. There is great value in mentorship at a local level and cadets that are directly engaged in this way can receive this financial support through Cadet Wings. Navigators work with their cadet during flight training to stay on task and celebrate their successes on the path to their Private Pilot Certificate (PPC). Pilot training is hard and it is easy to become discouraged. A Navigator provides encouragement and motivation to help the student pilot moving forward while advocating on their behalf. Cadets seeking funded private pilot flight training apply for the Cadet Wings program through the eServices CadetInvest module and list the CAPID of their desired Navigator.
Who can be a Navigator?
Any senior member with a desire to help cadets succeed! Ideally, they will be in the cadets local unit. Being a CFI or having aviation experience is not required!
What does a Navigator do?
The role of the Navigator is to be a mentor to a Cadet who desires to become a pilot. Navigators are expected to champion success from encouragement to apply to taking pictures on checkride day-- and everything in between! Navigators remain in constant contact with their cadet and make sure to celebrate milestones and troubleshoot hurdles. Becoming familiar with CAPP 60-43 and the Cadet Wings program will help both the Navigator and the cadet make their way through the application, enrollment, and flight training process.
I was asked to be a Navigator. Help!
Thank you for being willing to help your Cadet succeed! New Navigators should read through the Navigator Guide, CAPP 60-43, watch Navigator 101 below, and finally sign the Navigator Agreement. You can also always reach the Cadet Wings Team by emailing us at