Flight Scholarships
CadetInvest Announcements Released
Applying for Cadet Wings, to include James C. Ray Flight Training Scholarship funding? Go to Cadet Wings for application procedures.
For Flight Scholarships, all applicants must meet basic eligibility requirements found on the Application Procedures page.
- Have a Third Class Medical Certificate and valid student pilot certificate. However, you are not required to have these at the time that you apply. If selected, you will have to send a copy of both certificates in order to claim your scholarship.
- Must be a current cadet
- Submit a flight plan in addition to a resume and letter of recommendation.
- Must submit at least one but not more than three letters of recommendation written by someone who is familiar with the cadets' accomplishments in CAP. If you have multiple documents of the same type, combine them all into one document before upload.
- Must submit a resume, not longer than 2 pages, detailing any academic, community or CAP activities not addressed on previous tabs of the application.
To apply: follow directions on the application procedures page.
These scholarships can be used for ground school, flight training at a local FBO (FAA part 61 or 141), training on CAP aircraft with a CAP instructor, or at a CAP flight academy. Applicants who have earned their solo badge or graduated from an aerospace-related special activity are especially encouraged to apply.
Due to the generosity of Lt Col Hanna’s family, CAP is able to offer this flight scholarship to help cadets attain their Private Pilot's Certificate. This scholarship provides up to $5,000 which can be used for local flight training at a FBO (FAA part 61 or 141) or training on CAP aircraft with a CAP flight instructor.
Additional Special Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a current cadet that has completed a CAP Powered Solo Flight Academy at the Wing, Region, or National-level and earned the solo rating
- Must review the background information on this flight scholarship. Click this link.
- Submit an essay, no longer than one page, explaining why you should be selected for this scholarship and your knowledge of the life of Lt. Col. Hanna. It should include long-term goals with regard to aviation and service.
Edward and Amy Myzie served in Civil Air Patrol, both as lieutenant colonels in the New Jersey Wing. Due to the generosity of Myzie family, CAP is able to offer this flight scholarship to help cadets attain their initial solo. This scholarship provides activity fee and travel for a cadet to one of CAP's National Powered Flight Academy (must apply for activity separately). Scholarship priority is given to New Jersey Wing cadets.
Note: Cadets must apply via Registration Zone in eServices and be slotted for a national flight academy to receive this scholarship.JAMES C. RAY FLIGHT TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP
Ray Foundation, Inc. seeks to encourage the potential in the youth of America by enabling them to develop life skills such as self-discipline, self-confidence, and self-reliance. Keeping with the spirit of our founders, Ray Foundation, Inc. primarily supports education programs and organizations with a focus on aviation and aerospace. The James C. Ray Flight Training Scholarship helps fund the Cadet Wings, private pilot certification financial assistance program. Cadets along with their squadron mentor, the Ray Navigator, apply for Cadet Wings to access this funding. The scholarship focuses on strengthening the partnership between the local squadron and the cadet in flight training. This type of mentorship is proven to improve the success of the student pilot. Go to the Cadet Wings page for information on how to apply.
SPAATZ ASSOCIATION - Aerospace Leadership (CAP Cadet Flight Scholarships)
The Spaatz Association annually sponsors scholarships to help CAP cadets advance their flight training from solo to private pilot. A limited amount of the scholarship also may be used to attend a CAP leadership activity.
Must meet basic eligibility requirements found on the Application Procedures page.
Additional Special Eligibility Requirements
- Be a current CAP cadet who has earned the Billy Mitchell Award
- Have earned solo wings in a powered aircraft
- Maintain an academic 3.0 GPA (normalized)
- Have not been selected for a similar scholarship or grant
For application procedures and deadlines, visit www.spaatz.org
While HQ CAP helps publicize this scholarship, it is funded by The Spaatz Association, which selects the scholarship recipients. Apply directly to The Spaatz Association, not via the eServices application.