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Cadet Reset Agreement

Posted on May 11, 2020 at 11:21 PM by Curt LaFond



Have you ever encountered a cadet whose troubling behavior was in desperate need of a "do-over"? When you're fifteen, it's easy to get into a rut. In situations where garden-variety teen misbehavior is at issue, the CP officer's job is to help the cadet bounce-back and learn from experience. But how? 

Here in draft form is an optional resource, the "Cadet Reset Agreement." We'll add it to the cadet publications library to help local leaders implement principles of progressive discipline.

The "Reset Agreement" is just that -- a promise by the cadet and adult leadership alike to take a breath and "reset" the Cadet / CAP relationship. The mechanism for that reset includes the following:

  • A written statement of the cadet's goals in CAP
  • A list of specific, actionable steps the cadet will employ to support his or her own success toward those goals
  • A list of specific, actionable supports the cadet requests from adult leadership
  • A list of "must-do" behaviors that adult leadership expects of the cadet
  • Back-and-forth dialogue about the "reset" in a cooperative (not adversarial) effort
  • The cadet taking one week off from CAP, voluntarily, to reflect upon the promises he or she makes in the agreement, thereby creating the "pause" or cooling-off period necessary for a reset to occur
  • Signatures from all stakeholders: cadet, parent, squadron commander

Youth-scaled "contracts" like this reenforce the cadet's status as a young adult and potential author of his or her own future. The contract requires the cadet to take ownership of the "problem" (his or her relationship to CAP) and the concrete steps the cadet will take to achieve personal goals while fulfilling CAP's clearly-stated behavioral expectations. Ultimately, the Cadet Reset Agreement is another tool available when you're trying to teach accountability and change behavior in an age-appropriate manner.

Thoughtful comments about this draft resource will be gratefully received. 




It's a great idea. The one thing I'm concerned with is enforcement. Obviously, the cadet, not the leaders should be enforcing the contract. But what if the contract falls 'by the wayside' and does nothing in the long run? I think it's a great idea, but maybe needs just a little more thought.
Adrian Lindell | 11/22/22 at 11:55 AM
This sounds like a good coaching agreement. Would it be possible to do something guided like this acting out at encampment to get them reset and finish it strong?
Michelle Wegner | 9/17/22 at 12:17 PM
Excellent idea! This will be a great addition to any CP leaders' "Toolbox" This is something I will be bringing up to my unit's full leadership as an adoptable strategy.
Michael Schmid | 3/16/22 at 3:32 PM
I think it's great, and it solves a problem I've seen where the 60-90 is shoehorned into a similar role or disciplinary document which completely goes against the intent. It would do us well to establish a standardized format for disciplinary documents such as written reprimands as well.
Kris Matthews | 5/17/20 at 9:04 AM
I think is a valuable tool any cadet leader will need as point or another. As we strive to develop leadership skills, it's good to have something official to guide the discussion and aid in understanding. Thanks!
Jo Lynn Ergle | 5/15/20 at 6:01 PM
I applaud the idea of a reset. I command a school squadron, so I am very familiar with parent - teacher - student conferences where just such discussions, plans, and agreements happen. Glad to see that such things are rolling out to community squadrons as well. For a community unit that meets only once a week, however, a one-week (as in "one meeting") cooling-off period might not make much difference.
Frank E. Merrill | 5/12/20 at 6:31 PM
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