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Curry Motivation Project

Posted on May 11, 2020 at 10:55 PM by Curt LaFond



How many Cadet Airman Basics have you seen with a Red Service Award? Not too many. If a cadet earns the Curry within the first 60 days (better yet, 30), that cadet is much more apt to remain in CAP. The cadet who flounders leaves well before the year is out. We all know this. Therefore, it’s in everyone’s interest to find ways to help more cadets make it to Curry, and to get there faster. Enter a one-time, short-duration experiment: The Curry Motivation Project

Your thoughtful feedback about the short paper will be gratefully received. 

This seems to be very interesting. Although it may create some confusion if the cadet doesn't know that they're not supposed to wear those insignia until they actually earn them. I also wonder how the selection would be determined. One benefit of this may be that Squadrons wouldn't have to stock up on C/Amn chevrons and ribbons.
C/CMSgt Michael Gaetano | 4/7/24 at 6:24 AM
This could definitely help. I feel like the biggest thing for motivation is having squadron NCOs and officers help new cadets get through their Curry and guide them every step of the way. A pair of chevrons isn't going to help much if the cadet has no idea how to earn them. But it's possible that, with proper guidance, they could add additional motivation.
Adrian Lindell | 11/22/22 at 11:59 AM
We just held an Open House for a newly formed cadet squadron and I was thinking of ways to motivate the new recruits. My first thought was a business card with the new logo, the core values and the cadet oath on one side and the contact information for the unit commander and cadet commander on the other. Then, while doing my research to develop the course content for our first Great Start cohort, I stumbled across this idea, a variation on which I intend to adopt... thanks Curt!
Roger Middleton | 8/19/22 at 4:26 AM
With the recent lifting of COVID restrictions, Curry within 30-60 days should not be an issue for most cadets, assuming the unit leadership is making a good effort. At my past squadron, we integrated the new cadets into the unit during their three "tryout" meetings, gave them credit for CD classes they may have attended, made sure they knew their basic drill and ceremony, and usually had them reedy for Curry by the end of their first few weeks as a n actual member.
Michael Schmid | 3/16/22 at 3:37 PM
Is there any concern that these numbers are going to be heavily skewed one way or the other due to our current meeting restrictions? I imagine that any new cadets that join right now are especially motivated to be in the program since they're joining WITHOUT the benefit of in-person meetings, our usual activities, and the promise of quick orientation flights. >>>>>REPLY: True. But we are experimenting with a methodology, so procedural matters are of higher value than the (apparent) primary question of whether the experiment works in this unusual era of Covid. Worst case outcome: some cadets get a pair of chevrons and a webinar. - curt
Will Hess | 5/18/20 at 9:10 AM
Is Curry proving to be a bottleneck of any sort? CAP has done a good job of making the barrier to entry very achievable, and any issues achieving the Curry would have to be a unit/leadership issue from my standpoint.
Kris Matthews | 5/17/20 at 9:07 AM
It’s a great idea!! Maybe if you can add a certificate by email, when the cadet complete the Achievement.
Rolando Adorno | 5/13/20 at 6:54 AM
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