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Content Reduction for Cadet Packet 1

Posted on June 23, 2023 at 4:46 PM by Tammy Hallihan

Cadets receive a materials packet three times during their cadet membership: when they join, at their Wright Brothers, and at their Mitchell. Beginning this Fall, there will be a change to the aerospace contents included in packets 1 & 2. Cadet Programs will be rearranging the aerospace content in the first two packets to better serve our new cadets and save costs. Data shows that the majority of cadets complete the first two modules in sequence. Rather than receiving the full set of Aerospace Dimensions module in packet one, new cadets will receive Aerospace Dimensions Modules 1 and 2 when they join. The remainder of the aerospace books (Modules 3 – 7) will be included in Packet 2 when the cadet earns their Wright Brothers. Cadets can still complete the modules in any order, this only impacts what is included in the mailing. 

Please see the attached paper that covers how this update will make the first packet more focused on what the new cadet needs for their first orientation flight and Phase I promotions while also helping CAP save money.

If research shows that most cadets do AE Book #1 and #2 first, then it makes sense to only send out those two AE books first. However, perhaps the retention rate past the SrA should be researched as well. Why send out all the book at the Wright Bros if the retention rate does not indicate that should happen. Maybe send out two more. Again, a survey might indicate the most common third and fourth book. The concept of reducing the cost of the New Cadet packet, could possibly be applied to the Wright Bros packet. Split the 7 AE books by three and send them out that way to keep the prices low. Two at new cadet, two at wright bros, two at SMSgt. Online is always available, and most students these day live online. Or better yet, maybe a check box on the initial application that says would you be interested in receiving hard copy books or prefer to use the online resources only? Maybe that might reduce expenses as well. Or an overall survey as part of the new cadet online app to ask that question as a means of survey.
Maj Mary Fox | 7/19/23 at 2:22 PM
Great idea and excellent way to steward Cadet programs resources.
Melody Terry | 6/23/23 at 8:01 PM
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