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Cadets At School

The mission of the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program is to transform youth into dynamic Americans and aerospace leaders.  The Cadets at School program brings the benefits of CAP's character education, fitness, leadership, and aerospace curriculum into middle and high schools as a weekly after-school program.

Check out our Program Overview for Educators.

CAP offers schools an exciting form of character education that uses the students’ enthusiasm for aviation, space, and technology as a motivator. Middle schools find that the challenge of cadet life provides the structure early adolescents need.

Air Force Affiliation
Cadets are never obligated to join the military, nor does CAP attempt to recruit cadets for the armed forces. However, the uniform, military customs and courtesies, and drill and ceremonies are important features of cadet life that contribute to individual self-discipline. Moreover, 10% of the cadets at the Air Force Academy got their start in CAP.

Junior ROTC Connection
CAP's Cadets at School program complements JROTC opportunities. CAP is especially suited for middle schools whose students graduate into high schools that host JROTC programs. CAP can also be implemented on high school campuses and is a possible option for schools where JROTC is unavailable. The two programs are complementary. See the at-a-glance document for a comparison.

Cadet Advancement
The Cadet Program is a self-paced program of sixteen achievements. Cadets complete one task in each element of cadet life — leadership, aerospace, fitness, and character — during each achievement. There is a degree of academic rigor to the program; cadets study their textbooks and must pass written tests to advance. Along the way, cadets earn promotions, acquire new leadership responsibilities, and collect awards. 

Adding Value to the School
Some of the benefits students and schools receive by partnering with CAP include:

Students The School
Develop leadership skills

Strengthens students' discipline

Experience the thrill of flying Reduces referrals
Test-fly potential careers Offers an alternative to drugs and violence
Earn rank and awards Boosts attendance through high student morale
Qualify for college scholarships Acquires new opportunities for peer mentoring
Solidify their moral character Improves student participation in community service
Make friends and have fun Provides meaningful after-school activity*
* Some schools choose to conduct the CAP Cadet Program as an in-school elective class.   CAP National Headquarters encourages new schools to operate as an after-school program to start.

Classroom Resources

CAP School Programs Point of Contact

Contact Joanna Lee for more information.   


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