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Cadet Tests & Exams

Online Test Troubleshooting 

Q:  I'm locked out from testing. Now what?
A:  Cadets must wait 7 days to reattempt a test they've failed. Re-read the textbook and pay attention to the learning objectives listed throughout the chapter because that's where the test questions come from.

Q:  My school grants me special accommodations when I take test. Could CAP do the same? 
A:  Talk with a senior member in your squadron. CAP will make reasonable accommodations. For further information, see our Cadets With Special Needs home page. 






Academic Learning

CAP assesses cadets’ academic learning in leadership and aerospace via written tests in multiple-choice format and/or via web-based learning activities in Cadet Interactive. Cadets choose a test or Cadet Interactive module at their option, and they may mix-and-match written tests and Cadet Interactive modules as desired.

Achievement Tests

Venue:  Online, at time and place of the cadet's choosing. How to access Cadet Interactive and testing for Cadets.  Alternatively, squadrons may download tests from eServices, print hard copies, and administer them at the squadron. Online tests found at eServices > Cadet Programs > Cadet Online Testing > Download Quiz.  

Security:  Open-book

Integrity:  Cadets are required to agree with an honor statement before proceeding with their test

Format:  Multiple-choice; leadership tests in Phases I & II include drill and ceremonies performance tests.

Duration:  30 minute time-limit

Score:  80% is required to pass

Feedback:  Provides instant feedback on your results

Failures:  In case of failure, the cadet must wait 7 days to retest

Records:  Results automatically post to the cadet's personnel record in eServices

Lock-Out:  Multiple failures result in a lock-out, prompting the cadet to review the material.  Multiple failures should prompt a discussion with the squadron testing officer to see if tutoring or other academic interventions would be helpful.

Cadets Having Special Needs & Learning Disabilities:    Scroll to bottom of page. 


Drill & Ceremonies Performance Tests

Cadets will complete drill and ceremonies performance tests during Achievements 1 through 8 using CAPP 60-34. This test is available in PDF only and has no security requirements. Cadets are welcome to see the test in advance. 


Cadet Physical Fitness Tests

For detailed information and videos on how to do the CPFT, see the Active Cadet Fitness Program homepage


Milestone Award Exams 

Wright Brothers, Mitchell, & Earhart 
As a safety valve protecting the integrity of cadet awards, milestone award exams will remain closed-book and controlled by the squadron.  Units may use paper-based or online versions of these exams. Senior members must be assigned as a testing officer (primary or assistant) to administer an online milestone.  

Testing Officer's Guide to Online Milestones

Venue:  Online at the squadron, or alternatively, squadrons may download tests from eServices, print hard copies, and administer them at the squadron. 

Security:  Closed-book

Format:  Multiple-choice
Wright Brothers:  Includes drill & ceremonies performance test

Wright Brothers - untimed
Mitchell - 60 minutes 
Earhart - 60 minutes

Score:  80% is required to pass

Feedback:  Online tests provide instant feedback on your results; hard copy tests are manually graded at the squadron

Failures:  In case of failure, the cadet must wait 7 days to retest

Records:  Online tests results automatically post to the cadet's personnel record in eServices; hard copy results must be manually entered into the Cadet Promotions Application


Cadets Having Special Needs & Learning Disabilities

CAP supports requests for reasonable accommodations when cadets who have special needs attempt cadet tests and exams. (Ref: CAPR 60-1, Examples of accommodations include testing orally, extending time limits, dividing the test into segments, and reducing the choices on a multiple-choice test. 

"How to" Information

If the unit commander grants an accommodation request, the testing officer will need to download a PDF version of the test and answer key and administer the test in that PDF format. eServices > Online Learning > Cadet Online Testing > Download Quiz

Unfortunately, the online learning management system is incapable of adjusting time limits or otherwise departing from standard protocols.


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