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CAP Pilot Mentoring Program


A mentor can be invaluable to your understanding of the Civil Air Patrol and everything that is involved from uniforms to unit meetings to getting checked out in the aircraft.

Your mentors should be a current CAP pilots from around the wing who’s volunteered their time to assist in moving you through the initial requirements for your Form 5 Flight Evaluation. You may find a mentor in your same squadron or someone is a different squadron. The objective of the mentor program is to pool available resources, volunteers, and talent from across the wing and make it available to you, the new member.

CAP wants you to be successful on your path to becoming a CAP Pilot. To achieve that goal, some study and review on your part is required. The CAP Ops World is not incredibly complicated, but it’s also recognized that it’s not the most intuitive system to operate in when starting day one. As a new member, spend the time to learn what is presented in the CAP Pilot Onboarding Pamphlet and what is referenced in the pamphlet. Preparation on your part will allow your progression to move much quicker and smoothly. Please work with your mentor and uphold any commitments you make with your mentor. Everyone volunteers there time so please do your part to make sure that no one wastes a minute of our most valuable resource.

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