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The CAP Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and Resiliency Program is designed to provide three primary functions:

  1. Provide all CAP members in crisis, a mechanism for them to receive crisis interventions from a team of current and competent CISM and Resiliency Team peer supporters;
  2. Provide the opportunity for suicide awareness training for all CAP members; and
  3. Provide resiliency education and coping skills that CISM members can use to proactively educate all CAP members to create healthy and high-functioning members.

Use the links below to access information related to each of these functions.

CISM Program Update Memo: 

  • 26 OCT 2016 - Several Psychological First Aid (PFA) Resources have been added to this page, based on a recommendation made during a PFA webinar.

CISM Training and Qualification:


CISM Team Activation:

Requests for CISM support can be made by contacting your specific Wing Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and Resiliency Officer or by contacting the National Operations Center at 1-888-211-1812. If you have a question that is a non-emergency feel free to call the Chief of CISM and Resiliency, Lt Col Paula Towry, at 703-625-7279

Basic Psychological First Aid (PFA) & Suicide Awareness Training:

This training material is to be used by CISM and Resiliency members to teach squadron commanders, team leaders, and members in leadership positions how to appropriately respond after a critical incident using the Psychological First Aid (PFA) Look, Listen, Link technique.  This training typically takes 30 minutes to deliver and is in a .ppt format.

Supplimental Psychological First Aid (PFA) Resources:

Resiliency Education:

These training materials are to be freely used by CISM and Resiliency members to teach pre-incident coping skills to all members. Adding resiliency education to unit operations is a proactive measure to protect both cadets and senior members, during emergency services operations and in the face of other hardships.  These training materials are in .doc format with the intent that they can be changed by CAP CISM and Resiliency members to best fit your needs.  Additional training materials will be added frequently.


Document Word Download PDF Download
CAP Emotional Resiliency Plan Pamphlet Word PDF
AKWG Member Death Word PDF
Emotional Awareness Handout Word PDF
Forgiveness Handout Word PDF
Negative Emotions Handout Word PDF
Antibullying Handout Word PDF
Putting Problems into Perspective Handout Word PDF
Mission Stress Reduction Handout Word PDF
USAF Wingman Toolkit External Link  

Resilience and Stress Management: Introduction (SAMHSA.GOV)

External Link  


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