Operations Training Webinars
The National Headquarters Operations Directorate (CAP/DO) hosts a variety of webinars to provide training to our members in need. Below are links to sign up for future webinars as well as historical data for webinars that have already occurred. Sessions are normally recorded to be reviewed later if a member is not able to participate during the live streaming time.
Upcoming Events
None Scheduled
Past Events
Event: Lunch & Learn: CAP Green Flag Overview
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: Mr. Joe Piccotti, Senior Program Manager, Special Missions
Date: 5 September 2019
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: Lunch & Learn: sUAS OPLAN to Support FEMA & States for a Major National / Regional All Hazards Event
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: Mr. Austin Worcester, Senior Program Manager for sUAS & Lt Col Joel Shreenan, Assistant Senior Program Manager for sUAS
Date: 13 June 2019
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: Communications Table of Allowances Changes
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Mr. Malcolm Kyser, Chief of Communications
Date: 16 July 2018
Downloads: Webinar Recording
Note: Because this webinar contains some sensitive content, the video file is password protected. Please ask your Wing/Region DC for the password. Webinar Slides (PPT) & Webinar Slides (PDF) can be found in the eServices Communications Library.
Event: Lunch & Learn: Changes to the Flight Release Process
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: National Headquarters Operations Staff
Date: 16 November 2017
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: Lunch & Learn: Changes to the Operational Risk Management Process
Host: Mr. Ron Olienyk, Deputy Director of Operations
Presenters: National Headquarters Operations Staff
Date: 9 November 2017
Downloads: Webinar Recording, ORM Demo (video), Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: CAPR 70-1 Overview
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Date: 1 November 2017
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: CAP Emergency Services Professional Development & Instructor Certification Programs
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col Bob Ditch, CAP IAEM & EMI Liaison
Date: 25 July 2017
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: Southeast Region Conference National Radar Analysis Team and Cell Phone Forensics Team Update
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: Lt Col John Henderson and Major Justin Ogden
Date: 3 June 2017
Downloads: Webinar Recording, NRAT Webinar Slides (PPT), NRAT Webinar Slides (PDF), Cell Forensics Team Webinar Slides (PPT), Cell Forensics Team Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: FEMA Corps: Taking your Cadet Experience to the Next Level
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: Ms. Katrina Mathis, Mr. Kevin Anderson, Mr. Feliciana Hurtado, Jr, and Ms. Courtney Shaw
Date: 22 February 2017
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: Wing and Region HF Planning
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: Mr. Malcolm Kyser, Chief of Communications, and members of the National Communications Staff
Date: 25 January 2017
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: The New Mission Chaplain & Chaplain Support Specialist Program and the Chaplain Emergency Services School
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: Chaplain Lt Col Marcus Taylor, CAP and Chaplain Lt Col Linda Pugsley, CAP
Date: 6 December 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF), Draft MC SQTR, Draft CSS SQTR
Event: Psychological First Aid and Suicide Prevention for Mission Success
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col Thomas Janisko, CAP, Chief of Health Services
Date: 26 October 2016
Downloads: Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: 2016 Operations Pre-Conference
Hosts: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations, and members of the National Headquarters Operations Staff
Presenters: Varied
Date: 10 August 2016
Downloads: 2016 Operations Pre-Conference Materials
Event: Green Flag Mission Overview
Host: Mr. Chuck Mullin, Chief of Special Missions
Presenters: Lt Col Steve Wood, CAP, Green Flag East Project Officer and Lt Col Joe Vallone, CAP, Green Flag National Standardization and Evaluation Officer
Date: 13 July 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: National Incident Management System (NIMS) 2016 Refresh
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col Bob Ditch, CAP IAEM & EMI Liaison
Date: 15 June 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: The International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) and the Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) Program
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col Bob Ditch, CAP IAEM & EMI Liaison
Date: 11 May 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: FY17 Flying Plan Training for Wing and Region Staff Officers
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Col Carlton Sumner, CAP, Chief of Operations Training
Date: 6 April 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: The Future of the Communications Program
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Mr. Malcolm Kyser, Chief of Communications, and the NHQ Communications Team
Date: 16 March 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: FEMA Corps: Taking Your Cadet Experience to the Next Level
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Katrina Mathis, Americorps NCCC Assistant Director of Recruitment and Partnerships, and David Nelson, former CAP Cadet, FEMA Corps Alum, and current FEMA Staff
Date: 17 February 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Webinar Slides (PPT), Webinar Slides (PDF)
Event: National Radar Analysis Team Training for Incident Staff Members
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col John Henderson, NRAT Vice Commander
Date: 13 January 2016
Downloads: Webinar Recording, NRAT Training Slides (PPT) WARNING: Please be patient as the download process may take several minutes to complete. This file is approximately 265MB in size including many animations and video., NRAT Training Slides (PDF)
Event: Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation Portable (GIIEP) Operator Version 2 Update Training
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col Bob Becker, CAP, GIIEP Program Coordinator
Date: 18 November 2015
Downloads: Webinar Recording, GIIEP Operator Version 2 Slides (PPT), GIIEP Operator Version 2 Slides (PDF), General User Acceptable Use Policy
Event: Cellular Forensics Training for Incident Staff Members
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: Colonel Brian Ready, CAP & Major Justin Ogden, CAP of the National Cellular Forensics Team
Date: 4 November 2015
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Cellular Forensics Training for Incident Staff Members Slides (PPT), Cellular Forensics Training for Incident Staff Members Slides (PDF)
Event: Garmin Virb Camera Kit & FEMA Uploader Training
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col Eric Templeton, CAP, National Emergency Services Academy Mission Aircrew School Commandant
Date: 28 October 2015
Downloads: Webinar Recording, 28 OCT 15 Garmin Virb and FEMA ImageUploader Training Slides (PPT), 28 OCT 15 Garmin Virb and FEMA ImageUploader Training Slides (PDF), FEMA ImageUploader Instructions, FEMA ImageUploader (ZIP); Note: The FEMA ImageUploader requires Adobe AIR; Adobe AIR can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/air/.
Event: Garmin Virb Camera Kit & FEMA Uploader Training
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenter: Lt Col Eric Templeton, CAP, National Emergency Services Academy Mission Aircrew School Commandant
Date: 14 October 2015
Downloads: Webinar Recording, Garmin Virb & FEMA Uploader Slides (PPT), Garmin Virb & FEMA Uploader Slides (PDF), FEMA ImageUploader Instructions, FEMA ImageUploader (ZIP); Note: The FEMA ImageUploader requires Adobe AIR; Adobe AIR can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/air/.
Event: 2015 Operations Pre-Conference Webinars
Host: Mr. John Desmarais, Director of Operations
Presenters: 2015 Operations Pre-Conference Presenter Biographies
Date: 26 August 2015
Downloads: 2015 Operations Pre-Conference Materials