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Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS)

The Civil Air Patrol is a participant in the National Communications System (NCS) Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) program. GETS ensures priority access to essential communication networks during emergencies and disasters, enabling critical personnel to maintain communication when traditional networks are congested or compromised.

GETS Eligibility and Authorization

Wing and region commanders will identify and authorize CAP members who require GETS access to perform their roles effectively during emergencies. Only the following members are eligible for participation in the GETS program:

  • CAP/CC (National Commander), CAP/CV (Vice Commander), and CAP/CS (Chief of Staff)

  • Key advisors and staff to the CAP/CC

  • Wing and region commanders, vice commanders, and chiefs of staff

  • Directors of Operations and Emergency Services, including their assistants

  • Incident Commanders (ICs) and other key personnel designated by wing or region commanders

Members needing GETS access should submit their request via email to:

Application and Card Distribution Process

Once a member's participation is authorized by their wing or region commander, NHQ CAP/DO will coordinate the issuance of a GETS card to the member. Because GETS serves multiple government agencies with varying levels of priority, it is highly recommended that members apply well in advance of an emergency to ensure timely access.

If an emergency arises and a GETS card has not been secured, the wing or region commander (or their designee) may submit an emergency request to the CAP National Operations Center (NOC) at 888-211-1812, extension 300. The NOC maintains a limited reserve of cards for such urgent needs.

Monitoring, Usage, and Accountability

CAP members must use GETS exclusively for official CAP business. Misuse or improper charges not associated with an Air Force-Assigned Mission will be the responsibility of the member or their respective wing or region. NHQ CAP/DO will monitor program participation and conduct annual reviews and validations with wing and region commanders to assess ongoing needs.

Additionally, periodic spot checks will be performed to ensure appropriate use. Usage data will be validated with the NCS GETS program office on a monthly basis.

Usage Reporting Requirements

Members who use their GETS card during or immediately following a mission must notify NHQ CAP/DO of the usage as soon as possible by sending an email to:

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