Two New STEM Kits Are Now Available
Quadcopter and Weather Station Kits Are Here
For the first time since the Civil Air Patrol STEM Kit Program started in 2013, the program has added two new kits, the Weather Station and the Quadcopter. They are now available to order in eServices. With the Acu-Rite Professional Weather Center, learners can measure rainfall, barometric pressure, wind speed and more. The center also includes programmable weather alarms. The QuadLugs multi-rotor kit helps learners soar into the UAS/UAV world! The two kits join the existing five kits. Astronomy, Robotics, Rocketry, Model and Remote Control Aircraft and Flight Simulator. The Flight Simulator is temporarily unavailable to order due to a worldwide shortage of the ProFlight Rudder Pedals and Yokes. For more information on all seven kits, visit the STEM Kit Page on the AE website. GO NOW.