> NOTICE: As hybrid learning experiences remain an option for various reasons, check out CAP's Aerospace/STEM Resources for Remote Education page HERE.
Welcome to the Educators Info page! If you are looking for free aerospace/STEM lesson plans, activities, textbooks, products, and programs to use in any classroom or after-school or enrichment program, we hope CAP will have something to help you! Our products and programs, below, can be used across disciplines and in both core and elective studies. Visit the Aerospace Curriculum Index link HERE.
Civil Air Patrol is using aviation as the theme to propel youth onward and upward in STEM education!
Civil Air Patrol, the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force, is serving communities across America!
Civil Air Patrol, Aerospace/STEM Education Programs Investing in the Future!
Video courtesy of SC Wing Director of AE Capt Robert Roberts' Aerospace Education YouTube channel.
1- AEM Program: The Aerospace Education Member (AEM) program is for K-12 formal and informal educators at schools, youth organizations, museums, and libraries. AEMs do not belong to a local CAP squadron, do not wear uniforms, and do not attend squadron meetings. The AEM is a member of the CAP National HQ group, with the NHQ located in Montgomery, AL, at Maxwell Air Force Base. There is a one-time $35 fee; with free annual renewal.
See Educators: Join as a CAP AE Member and AEM Info Flier.
***Join Directly Online *** Paying by school check? Contact
See VIDEO of enthusiastic AE member, Ronda McCarthy, from St. Theresa Catholic School in Des Moines, IA!
See VIDEO of AE Program Overview- 2021
2- CAP Member Portal: After you join as an AEM, you will receive a CAP ID# that will get you into our CAP member portal, eServices. You will set up your password by going to “First Time User.” All of the wonderful free member benefits can be found in eServices at the Aerospace Education site in the left menu bar, and are, as follows (click on hotlinks for each title):
Free K-12 books: The large assortment of national academic standards-aligned books can be accessed online in eServices/Aerospace Education/AE Downloads and Resources. You can select up to six hard copy free books in your grade level area to be shipped to you, if so desired, by going to eServices/Aerospace Education/AEM Materials Request. For specific curriculum information, go to the curriculum webpage HERE.
Free K-12 STEM Kits: You can apply for one at a time of our variety of STEM Kits. See the application requirements and process description HERE. (Go to eServices/Aerospace Education/CAP STEM Kits to apply.) (Contact: Click HERE for current STEM Kit offerings/descriptions info flier.
The pre/post tests and all associated educational materials for each STEM Kit are found in eServices/Online Learning/Learning Management System--> then go to AXIS and select one of the three STEM Kit sections (aviation, space, cyber).
Free K-12 Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) award program: This award program culminates with AEX certificates for the educator and student participants. To earn these award certificates, the educator will need to conduct 6 aerospace/STEM lessons from our many AEX books or other resources, AND, a 2-hour event, such as a rocket or hot air balloon launch; an airplane build and fly-off event; or a trip to a museum, airport, or other aerospace location. (Contact:
To register, go to eServices/Aerospace Education/AEX (Apply for AEX). To complete the program, and generate your AEX award certificate order, go to the AEX Award Report section in this AEX section of eServices. .
Free K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) program: This is a grade-level specific program that requires educators to register each school year. (Registration opens August 1 each year and registration info is found on the webpage.) After registering, class sets of student materials are shipped to ACE teachers. Teachers are asked to complete at least 10 out of the 22 ACE lessons in the online grade-level curriculum guides found in the eServices/Aerospace Education/AE Downloads and Resources. Lessons include aerospace-themed components of academics, character ed, and physical fitness. (Contact:
ACE completion certificates will be sent to the educator and all students when the class materials are sent so the teacher is ready for end-of-year certificate presentation upon completion of the program.
Entire schools can conduct the program during the school year and/or in after-school or summer enrichment programs. Museums, libraries and other youth organizations can do the same. (If grades 7 and 8 want to be included, they can do so and use the grade 6 curriculum guide.)
See ACE Info Flier for quick info.
Want some assistance from a CAP squadron (as noted in #4 below)? See how CAP squadrons can assist in your ACE program HERE.
An associated program of the ACE program is the ACE Plus Adopt program for 5th-8th grade ACE teachers. CAP squadron adults and cadets are adopting ACE teachers to help teach ACE lessons and more! Find out how you and your students can be adopted HERE. (Contact:
3- Free Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) flights: Find out how each area of STEM is involved in aviation with a TOP flight! CAP pilots will fly teachers at their closest airport for a great flying experience to share with students. E-mail to request a flight—-or, for any questions. (* Find another teacher to join CAP to fly with you! It is more fun to fly with a friend!)
To reach out directly to YOUR state's Director of AE to assist you in coordinating your flight, find your contact person HERE.
See video of IA TOP Flight below, with principal at the controls!
4- CAP Squadron Support and Cadet Program: CAP has squadrons all around the country with adult volunteers and cadets (ages 12-21) who may be able to assist with some aviation instruction in the classroom. Contact your closest CAP squadron and request an aviation-related speaker, a tour of the local airport and a CAP plane, or assistance for career day.
To find a squadron near you, go to and enter your ZIP code in the “Find your local squadron” section. You can manipulate the search radius from 10-100 miles. Contact the person listed as the PoC to ask for any support you may desire.
Also, if you have students in grades 6-12, you may ask if the CAP adult member can bring some cadets to your location to talk to the students about the benefits of becoming a CAP cadet. Learn more about becoming a CAP cadet. Check out the Cadet Life video! For those students really interested in an aviation career, check out the CAP Cadet Wings Pathway through the Youth Aviation Initiative. Print a Cadet Wings Pathway informational flier, if needed. If your school would like to start a Cadet program at the school, check out CAP's Cadets at School program info HERE!
If in need of further assistance in your state for anything pertaining to CAP squadron or member support to educational programs, contact YOUR state's Director of AE, HERE.
See another great "cadet life" video about cadet opportunities from Tucson, AZ HERE. (1:12 minutes)
Check out the first seven minutes of this 'Nick News' segment from 1/19/2022 HERE!
Finally, check out CAP Awards For Educators.
Hopefully, some of the information on this page will be helpful to you! Click HERE for a pdf flier of this page to share, as is needed.
If you have any questions at all, the best e-mail address to which you can inquire is