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Grants & Scholarships


CAP is not conducting an educator member grant program at this time, but would like to share three alliance organizational grant/scholarship programs which we endorse:


1- The Air & Space Forces Association (AFA), CAP's partner in aerospace/STEM education, works to try to assist K-12th grade educators perpetuate aerospace/STEM education programs/projects with an annual $599 competitive grant program. The application dates are from September 1st- December 15th each year. Grant recipients are announced in February.  Find info HERE. 


2- The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) also has an AIAA Foundation Classroom Grant Program for K-12 educators who are AIAA educator members. The application dates are from the end of June until the end of September.  Grant recipients are announced in December. Find info HERE.

  • K-12 Aerospace Micro Lessons:  About 100 lessons found HERE.

  • AIAA and Challenger Center Trailblazing STEM Educator Award: Find out all info HERE.  Nominations are accepted mid October  -  the end of January.  See below:

$5,000 award to the educator; $5,000 award to the educator’s school or organization; trip to Washington, DC to be honored at the AIAA Aerospace Spotlight Awards Gala; crystal apple presented to the educator at the AIAA Aerospace Spotlight Awards Gala; Free access to Challenger Center’s STEM education programs; Opportunity to attend a future space launch experience



3- The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has an AOPA teacher Flight Training Scholarship program.  Eligibility involves being an AOPA Member, as well as a full-time employee of a school or school system teaching the free AOPA High School Aviation STEM Curriculum. The application dates are from January 1-March 1.  

Image result for aopa you can fly logo


Other sites, below, may help locate other educator grants. Use personal discernment before going to any site:






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