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June 24, 2019

CAP’s Newest Aircraft Management Tool Is Preparing to Launch!

AMRAD is CAP’s new Aircraft Maintenance Repair and Documentation application in eServices.  It will take the place of most of the functions currently residing in the WMIRS Maintenance Module and adds several new aircraft maintenance tools to assist with flying and maintaining our CAP aircraft.  It allows the entry of new aircraft discrepancies, transmits them to the Aircraft Maintenance Officer for validation and facilitates the flight release process. New aircraft maintenance requests can be entered, reviewed, parts can be ordered and NHQ approvals can be processed all in one location.  It is designed to provide real-time visibility to aircraft status, open and closed discrepancies, aircraft inspection data, maintenance and repair requests, and parts orders and tracking data.  Development is in the final stages and field testing is scheduled to start soon.  Training for the new application will be available soon in AXIS, CAP’s online training site. 

For More Information:

Rodger Kirkpatrick

877-227-9142 Ext 273

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