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Cessna Replacement Time Limits

December 28, 2012

At the time of release only the following part has been identified for mandatory replacement :

Oil Pressure Switch, part number 83278 must be replaced every 3,000 operating hours.
This part number applies to all three Cessna aircraft models identified above. Cessna recommends the switch be replaced during the aircraft’s next inspection interval that aligns with or occurs just before the 3,000 hour mark. NHQ/LGM will cover replacement cost on all our applicable aircraft. The switch should cost less than $60.00 and require no more than an hour labor to replace. If anyone has an aircraft already exceeding 3000 hours  have the switch replaced at the aircraft’s current location. For these aircraft please request the switch via a CAPF 176. If maintenance is not available contact NHQ/LGM.  All aircraft yet to reach the 3000 hour mark schedule this action at your contract maintenance shop.   Again this action applies only to our Cessna aircraft manufactured after 1996. Please add this item as a time change requirement to your appropriate aircraft. Call if there are any questions. Thanks.

For More Information:


Nelson "Dan" Daniel
Voice: 877-227-9142 Ext 272
Fax: 334-953-1668

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