Lessons & Activity Resources
In this section of the website you can find lots of engaging ideas and resources for your aerospace/STEM education lessons. Browse through the subjects within the left menu bar and have fun!
See the Curriculum Index of Related Topics flier which shares all the subjects/topics aerospace education touches in any educational environment.
Check out the AeroProps lesson plan that embeds a character message, and, for individual paper rotorcraft, the paper to copy is found HERE. Order AeroProps from Aero-Motion
For CAP cadets, or anyone using CAP's six Aerospace Dimensions modules, all modules now have video lessons prepared by Capt. Robert Roberts DAE of the SC Wing found in the right text box!
For a repository of aerospace/STEM resources for use in remote education, check out the associated CAP page HERE.
For examples of lessons outside CAP's resources, check out the VAST repository of Aerospace Micro-Lessons from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ! Click HERE for almost 100 lessons! These lessons are easily digestible lessons focused on aerospace principles. Each lesson is broken down into grade levels and are meant to spark conversation and interest in aerospace. Lessons will range from engineering, to mathematics, to physics, to highlighting aerospace anniversaries -- all of which will be presented in a way that easily relates to students. (There are MORE opportunities for youth and educators found HERE!)
CAP's AE Facebook page shares many upcoming events/programs, as well as useful info from CAP squadrons and educator members. Stay up-to-date on this info by "liking" @capaerospce on Facebook.
Have ideas to share? Please contact ae@capnhq.gov.