Cadets Take-Off
Posted on January 11, 2011 at 12:00 AM by Joe Curry
Announcing the (draft) “Cadets Take-Off” booklet.
This 18-page handbook is designed to meet two needs that local leaders in the field have identified and been asking for help with.
First, “Cadets Take-Off” is a “tier 2” recruiting resource that can bridge the gap between the 1-page “Learn, Lead, & Serve” recruiting flier and the comprehensive New Cadet Kit that NHQ sends cadets upon their joining CAP.
Put another way, Prospective Cadet Curry visits the CAP booth at the airshow, or attends an informational meeting at his middle school, or his friend, an existing cadet, tells him what’s cool about CAP. In each of those situations where CAP is making initial contact with a prospect, the prospective cadet receives the 1-page “Learn, Lead, & Serve” recruiting flier. Then, if and when the prospect takes the next step by actually attending a CAP meeting, the local leaders give him or her the “Cadets Take-Off” booklet to further “sell” the Cadet Program and provide some more detail about cadet life.
Second, “Cadets Take-Off” is a student guide for newcomers participating in the Cadet Great Start orientation program. “Cadets Take-Off” provides a general introduction to leadership, aerospace, fitness, character, and other CAP fundamentals, in support of the newcomer’s journey from Prospect to Cadet Airman Basic to Cadet Airman. When the “New Cadet Kit” arrives at the cadet’s home, the textbooks found in that binder become the new cadet’s primary resources, and the “Cadets Take-Off” booklet can be set aside.
We welcome your input on the draft “Cadets Take-Off” publication. Does it do a good job meeting both the recruiting and orientation needs? Does it cover the right material, or does it leave common questions unanswered? Will a resource like this be helpful to most cadet and composite squadrons? Please sound off.
Categories: New Ideas