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Cadet News + Innovations 2015

Posted on July 29, 2015 at 12:00 AM by Curt LaFond


What's new and in development for the CAP Cadet Program? The Cadet News + Innovations booklet provides a summary.

Inside you'll find cadet news -- information about projects that are already underway that we'd like you to know about. You'll also find cadet innovations -- information about projects in development, for which we invite you to contribute your ideas by submitting a blog comment in the field below.

If you're able to join us for the CAP Annual Conference in Orlando this summer, please try to participate in the News + Innovations learning lab, which is being offered twice during the conference. We'll use that lab as a forum for discussing topics like the cadet fitness program and the future of the Cadet Encampment Assistance Program that opened doors for 1,500 cadets this summer.

If you're unable to come to Orlando, we hope this booklet makes you feel included. We've worked hard to give you an in-depth, explanatory handout that (we hope) is more useful to you than a slide deck.

Thanks for your service. Let's work together to improve the Cadet Program. Sound off below.



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