Posted on August 5, 2016 at 12:00 AM by Joanna Lee
On the drill field, the individual learns to participate as a member of a team and to appreciate the need for discipline. That is, to respond to authority, to follow orders promptly and precisely, and to recognize the effects of their actions on the group as a whole. Learning to follow is the beginning of leadership.
CAPP 60-20 Civil Air Patrol Drill and Ceremonies now available!
AFMAN 36-2203 has always been the standard for CAP drill and ceremonies, but doesn’t address all of the unique needs of the Civil Air Patrol. The new
CAPP 60-20 takes the Air Force doctrine and expands upon it to create a reference that meets the needs of our members, all in one place. Features of the new pamphlet include:
• More on being a drill instructor and how to instruct drill
• The purpose of each command for use in teaching by Demo-Perf Method
• How to execute commands with 2 or 3 elements in a flight instead of 4
• Fixed errors
• Expanded section on saluting
• Guidon bearer instructions
• Carry guidon
• Consolidated direction on forming and inspecting a squadron
• Group parade
• Squadron parade ceremony
• PT formation options
• Color guard
• Manual of arms
Many thanks to the contributors who assisted in creating this pamphlet: Lt Col Dan Brodsky, Capt Christopher Buck. Maj Lani Cahill, Maj Colin Carmello, Lt Col Marc Cohen, Lt Col Chuck Corway, Lt Col Tim Day, Maj Bob Haase, C/Capt James Hockel, Lt Col George Ishikata, Lt Col Russ Kappelman, Lt Col Edward Keeley, Mr. John Marshall, Capt Jason Robinson, Maj Marty Sanford, C/Lt Col Deyton Talley, Capt Timothy Thornton, Capt Andrew Welsh, and Capt Michael Willis. Special thanks to Lt Col Grace Edinboro for leading the project.