Cadet Publication Index & Designations
Posted on November 10, 2016 at 12:00 AM by Curt LaFond
The Cadet Programs family of publications is transitioning its numerical designation from the 52 series to the 60 series, as part of the CAP-wide publication reengineering project. To aid the community in that transition, here’s a side-by-side comparison of the “old” and “new” numerical systems. The transition is expected to be completed in 2018. Until then, members could see both the “old” and “new” numerical system in use.
If you’re a long-time member like me, our numerical designations are part of the jargon. “What does 52-16 say? Do a Form 50 on that cadet. Bring your 31 to encampment…. The switch to the 60 series will take some getting used to. After careful consideration, senior leaders decided that the long-term benefits outweighed the short-term costs because if our organization is truly doing a total re-set of its publications, we should alter the numerical designations for every family of publications to underscore the fact that all regulations going forward will be reengineered from a blank sheet of paper. (For more on the project, led by CAP/XP, see their Concept of Operations.)
Regardless, here’s the side-by-side comparision of publications’ numerical references. And again, you’re apt to see some “old” and “new” designations in use until the reengineering project is completed in ’18.
Categories: Changes