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Cadet Regulation 2018

Posted on February 3, 2018 at 8:21 AM by Curt LaFond

CAPR 60-1, Cadet Program Management 

CAPR 60-1, Cadet Program Management, 1 February 2018, is now effective. This edition of the regulation replaces CAPR 52-16. It has been extensively revised as part of the CAP-wide publication reengineering process. Twenty volunteer members of the National Cadet Team, plus eight highly-experienced Cadet Programs Officers appointed by the region commanders, contributed to the new publication.

Summary.  For a summary of the program enhancements and administrative updates, an online presentation is available as a simple PDF and as a recorded webinar.

Fitness. One of the two biggest program enhancements in the regulation is the introduction of the Active Cadet Fitness Program and a revised Cadet Physical Fitness Test. Online CPFT administration tools will be available Monday, 5 February.  

Staff Duty Analysis.  The other big program enhancement in the regulation is the introduction of a revised SDA program. During each Achievement in Phases III and IV, cadets will serve in a support staff role, draft one of eight types of technical documents, and deliver an oral briefing using the technical document as a jumping off point. 


Updates to Other Cadet Publications 

As the cadet regulation changes, so too will the library of other cadet-related forms and pamphlets. We will be gradually phasing-in revised publications throughout 2018. For now, the following revised publications are available:

CAPP 60-12, Parents’ Guide to the CAP Cadet Program
Replaces the unnumbered Parents Guide. Adds sections on CEAP and Curry Blues Voucher. Adds content about ABUs. Mentions that CAP is open to youth who have special needs and asks parents to bring those needs to local leaders’ attention. New cadets receive a copy of the Parents’ Guide with their New Cadet Packet. Hardcopies will also be available through Vanguard.

CAPF 60-90 series, Cadet Leadership Feedback
Replaces the CAPF 50 series. No substantive changes made.

CAPVA 60-100, Cadet Super Chart
Updated to reflect the new CPFT and SDA rules. The Super Chart is available online, formatted for printing on two sheets of letter-size paper. We provided every squadron with a poster-size version in January 2018.

CAPVA 60-101, Personal Cadet Tracker
Updated to reflect the new CPFT and SDA rules. The suggested best practice for using this document is for each cadet to print a copy, keep it at home, and manually update it as they progress so they can set goals and stay abreast of what they need to do to earn promotions.

DDR & Future of the Cadet Character Program.  One consequence of the new CAPR 60-1 is that the stand-alone regulation on Drug Demand Reduction, CAPR 52-22, is rescinded. A memo explains how that will affect the future of the cadet character development program.


CAPR 60-2, Cadet Protection Policy

An updated cadet protection regulation takes effect 1 March 2018. It contains no significant changes, only minor refinements. A summary of enhancements is available. 



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