NCAC August
Posted on September 5, 2019 at 4:20 PM by Andrea Love
What a busy month is has been for the National CAC!
This month, the council had its final in-person meeting of the 2018-2019 term at the National Conference. For three days, the council worked tirelessly to finalize the various proposals that we have been working on over the past year, as well as prepared for our annual presentation to the Civil Air Patrol Senior Advisory Group (CSAG). After ten months of hard work and dedication, we were pleased to have all six of our proposals approved by the CSAG. These proposals included changes to CAPP 60-70, renaming achievements, and allowing ROTC cadets on the accelerated promotion track. The proposals will take steps to be implemented in the near future or continued by the next NCAC term. The council is now working diligently to prepare for the 2019-2020 term, to ensure a smooth transition into the next term which includes continuity meetings and elections for new chairs. During the final day of the National Conference, the National CAC Senior Advisors conducted interviews for the next chair and vice chair. We are proud to announce that C/Lt Col Luke Pongratz from the Northeast Region, Civil Air Patrol, Massachusetts Wing, for being selected to serve as the National CAC Chair, and to C/Lt Col Conrad Awve from Southeast Region, Civil Air Patrol, Florida Wing, for being selected to serve as the National CAC Vice Chair! Their official terms begin on 1 October 2019. Remember to like us on Facebook @capncac, Twitter @National_CAC, and Instagram @capncac!!