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Cadet Integrity & Social Media

Posted on June 11, 2020 at 12:42 PM by Curt LaFond



We’re seeing a troubling spike in cadets’ social media behaviors so we’re asking everyone in the cadet community to lend a hand in upholding the Core Values. First, let me paraphrase a conversation with Maj Gen Smith, then I’ll suggest how his point relates to cadets.
Maj Gen Smith said that when each of us joined CAP, we promised to live by the Core Values. That means showing our Core Values on social media. Well, this week he saw a CAP member post something truly hateful toward an African-American woman on account of the color of her skin. That member is being dealt with. Obviously, that horrific post gained plenty of traction on social media and is the absolute opposite of what we stand for as an organization. Sadly, this has not been an isolated incident. Again, that’s a paraphrase of Maj Gen Smith’s remarks.
When we think about “integrity,” a lot of people focus on truth-telling and promise-keeping. That’s great, but integrity is more. Integrity means wholeness, being undivided, being integral. Each of us is a single individual. We should act the same whether in uniform or out of uniform, the Core Values our constant guide. If cadets think they can follow the Core Values only when in uniform, they’re basically pretending to be two different people. They’re following "Sometimes Values," not CORE Values. They’re not being their whole self, they’re lacking integrity. 
At your next squadron event, take 10 minutes to talk about “integrity” and “social media.” The New Cadet Guide, pages 7, 8, and the top of page 17 could be helpful teaching tools. Let's all try to be part of the solution.




Categories: Character

Thank you for the reminder that integrity means whole, unified, undivided, sound, internally consistent and lacking corruption... not merely honest and truthful! It is important we understand when we agree to adopt the Civil Air Patrol core values, we are agreeing to apply them to all areas of our life! That is integrity!
Catie Perschke | 6/12/20 at 9:00 AM
Spot on sir. Recently my partner eloquently shared something, and I feel that it is apropo. We, in CAP, are a corporation whose purpose can include a safe haven for others when they are hurting and right now, people are hurting. Our hope is that we can overcome the current environment of divisiveness and create a more cohesive and equal community through empathy, teamwork, and compassion. This is not something that can be done through silence or complacency. Thank you for your words of encouragement here.
Christopher Baker | 6/11/20 at 10:11 PM
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