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If You Work With Cadets, We Want to Hear Your Voice!

Posted on November 7, 2022 at 12:49 PM by Elizabeth Hornbach

Adult leadership is the biggest factor affecting success in the cadet mission. Adult training programs such as Training Leaders of Cadet (TLC), Cadet Protection Program (CPP) and the Cadet Programs Specialty Track are the main resources for Cadet Programs Officers to gain professional development.  As we endeavor to position CAP for the future, a goal in the strategic plan is to broaden adult leaders' capabilities as youth development professionals.

With this in mind, we are assessing the current training programs for adults who work with cadets. We would like this process to be guided by our Cadet Programs Officers, with YOUR INPUT at the helm. We are asking that ALL adults who work with cadets complete this questionnaire. The decisions on how the future training will look will be made based on your answers. Complete the short questionnaire and have your voice heard. Please encourage other Cadet Programs Officers to complete the questionnaire as well. 

We would like a broad range of viewpoints, from brand new members to seasoned veterans, those who have taken TLC, and those who haven’t, those with a specialty track rating in CP, those without one, etc. 

If you work with cadets in any capacity, we want to hear your voice!

Visit here, to access the questionnaire.

To read more about the steps NHQ is taking to assess our current training programs for Cadet Programs Officer, visit our post on the Proving Grounds


Latest WINGS program graduate, Rhiann Tates, Passed her PPL this morning. Pictures to follow.
Michael Duc | 12/13/22 at 10:36 AM
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