NHQ Welcomes New YAI Panel Chair
Posted on July 22, 2024 at 2:30 PM by Jacob McIntosh
The Cadet Programs Team is excited to welcome Colonel Christopher “Chris” Peterson as CAP’s new Youth Aviation Initiative Panel Chair!
With over 4000 hours of flying, he holds his Multi Engine-Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Instructor Airplane, Instrument, and Multi-Engine. He has attended the in-residence G1000 Transition and Instructor course at Cessna Aircraft in Independence, KS and is a CAP Check Pilot, Instructor, and Mission Pilot. Peterson is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Designated Pilot Examiner evaluating pilot applicants in the Charleston, SC area.
As a former Cadet, Peterson has a unique perspective of CAP in general standing by his motto to give the cadets leadership opportunities and allow them to fail in a safe and constructive environment to guide and amplify learning.
For 6 years he worked as the Director of Cadet Programs, most notable strengthening SCWG’s Encampment and the Cadet Training Weekend (CTW). He has supported CAP’s Advanced Flight Training Academy for the past two years, providing checkrides for cadets at the academy.
When he is not working or doing CAP, Peterson enjoys flight instruction, spending time with his family, kayaking and fishing.
The Youth Aviation Initiative Panel Chair leads and acts as a link between the National Cadet Team and YAI Panel members. Assisting the National Cadet Team in administering the CAP Youth Aviation Initiative, the Panel Chair helps review cadet candidates for enrollment into the Cadet Wings Program, as well as supporting Cadet Lift and the Take Off Program-TOP Cadet.